



授課教授從定                                       約談地點MD 416

授課時間14:1017:00                           約談時間T   10:3012:00

電子郵件 : ttchung@yuntech.edu.tw                                 W  18:0019:00





    「談判管理」(Managing by Negotiation)如何處理各層次的合作與競爭,分配與整合是成功管理人必備的條件。談判是藝術更是科學,所以本課程是以跳脫經驗法做系統性地分析與講授。課程內容分為二個層面:第一層面著重「學」與「術」,對談判做研究與紮根的工作。包括談判的定義、結構、過程、策略、結果分析,及對談判研究方法的介紹。第二層面為談判議題個案討論,著重國際企業與經貿活動等談判案例。除書面的教材外,亦將配合各項演練,使同學實際體認衝突的存在、評估自我談判潛力、培養談判技巧與實力,瞭解跨文化的談判行為,理論與實務並重。並以各項主題進行討論銷售買賣談判授權與合資談判談判多國籍企業與地主國談判本課程最後將進行個案討論包括美國職棒大聯盟談判豐田(Toyota)-通用(General Motor)合資談判以及哈佛個案討論。



1.      Jeanne M. Brett, Negotiating Globally: How to Negotiate Deals, Resolve Disputes, and Make Decisions Across Cultural Boundaries (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2001).

2.      從定,國際談判學過程結構策略行為者與結果(台中: 鼎茂圖書出版公司, 2008)

3.      自編講義






0228     和平紀念日(放假一天)

0306           課程介紹




0313           談判的觀念與發展

Rubin, J.Z. "Some Wise and Mistaken Assumptions about Conflict and Negotiation" in J.W. Breslin & J.Z. Rubin (Eds.), Negotiation Theory and Practice ( Cambridge: PON Books, 1991): 3-12.







0320   談判的發生



M. Neale and M. Bazerman, “Individual Biases in Negotiation” & “Negotiation Biases” in Cognition and Rationality in Negotiation (New York: Free Press, 1991), 41-79


演練:Negotiation factors and methods agree/disagree exercise 

0327   分配型談判/整合性談判

R. J. Lewicki, D.M. Saunders, B. Barry, Negotiation, 6nd ed. (Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2006), Ch. 2, 4

Brett, Preface & Ch. 1& 2



演練:Seller-Buyer Profit Game


0403 全校師生運動會補假一天


0410  跨文化談判 (1)

Brett, Ch. 3.

James Sebenius, “The Hidden Challenge of Cross-Border Negotiations,” Harvard Business Review, March 2002, 76-85.




0417    跨文化談判 (2)

        Brett, Ch. 4.

Wendi Adair, Jeanne Brett, Alain Lempereur, Tetsushi Okumura, Peter Shikhirev, Catherine Tinsley, Anne Lytle, “Culture and Negotiation Strategy”, Negotiation Journal, 20(1): 87-111.




0424   期中考

0501           銷售買賣談判

Danny Ertel, Turning Negotiation into a Corporate Capability,Harvard Business Review, May-June 1999: 55-70.


S.H. Kale & J. W. Barners, 1992. “Understanding the Domain of Cross-National Buyer-Seller Interaction,” Journal of International Business Studies, 23:101-32.

A.         Mintu-Wimstatt & J.B. Gassenheimer, 2000. ”The Moderating Effects of Cultural Context in Buyer-Seller Negotiation,” Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management, 20(1): 1-9.


0508           授權與合資談判

Brett, Ch. 5.

F. R.Root & F.J. Contractor, 1981. ”Negotiating Compensation in International Licensing Agreement,” Sloan Management Review, 22 (2): 23-32.

V. Parker, “Negotiating Licensing Agreements,” in Pervez Ghauri and Jean-Claude Usunier, eds, International Business Negotiations (Amsterdam: Pergamon,1999): 203-30.


0515     談判

Viviane de Beaufort & Alain Lempereur, 1996. “Preparing Mergers and Acquisitions in the European Union: The Asset of Cooperative Negotiation,” in Pervez Ghauri and Jean-Claude Usunier, eds, International Business Negotiations (Amsterdam: Pergamon, 1999): 273-301.

James K. Sebenius, 1998. “Negotiating Cross-Border Acquisitions,” Sloan Management Review, 39(2): 27-41.


0522     多國籍企業與地主國談判

Brett, Ch. 6.

N. Fagre & L.T. Wells, Jr. 1982. “Bargaining Power of Multinationals and Host Governments,” Journal of International Business Studies, 13(2): 9-23.

R. Ramamutti, 2001. “The Obsolescing Bargaining Model? MNC-Host Developing Country Relations Revised”, Journal of International Business Studies, 32(1): 23-39.


0529  個案討論:職棒大聯盟談判

Larry Crump, “For the Sake of the Team: Unity and Disunity in a Multiparty Major League Baseball Negotiation”, Negotiation Journal, 21(3): 317-341.


0605  個案討論:豐田(Toyota)-通用(General Motor)合資談判

Jay W. Chai, Eugene J. Meigher, Edward F. Glynn, Dennis C. Cuneo, “The General Motors-Toyota Joint Venture,” International Negotiation, 1(2): 277-292.


0612  哈佛個案討論:Luna Pen

0619  哈佛個案討論:Tom Muccio: Negotiating the P& G Relationship with Wal-Mart


0715     期末報告繳交



1.          苗豐強,雙贏策略 (台北:天下文化出版,民國86

2.          黃鈴媚, 談判與協商 台北:五南出版社,民國90

3.          蔡宗揚譯,談判技巧手冊台北:遠流出版社,民國81

4.          劉必榮,談判台北:時報文化,民國78

5.          葉柏廷,決戰談判桌台北:遠流出版社,民國85

6.          Peter Berton, Hiroshi Kimura, and I. William Zartman, International Negotiation: Actor, Structure/Process, Values (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1999).

7.          Victor A. Kremenyuk, International Negotiation: Analysis, Approaches, Issues, 2nd ed. (San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers, 2002).

8.          David Lax & James Sebenius, The Manager as Negotiator: Bargaining for Cooperation and Competitive Gain (New York: Free Press, 1986).

9.          Howard Raiffa, The Art and Science of Negotiation (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1982).

10.     Avinash K Dixit and Barry J. Nalebuff, Thinking Strategically: the Competitive Edge in Business, Politics, and Everyday Life (New York: W. W. Norton, 1991).

11.     Thomas C. Schelling, The Strategy of Conflict (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1960).

12.     Robert Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation (New York: Basic Books, 1984).




Strategy and Conflict: An Introductory Sketch of Game Theory


The Prison Dilemma:
