國立雲林科技大學授課科目教學計畫表 |
P.1 |
科目名稱:Optical Signal Processing |
學期課號:9711324 |
講授-實習-學分:3-0-3 |
學年:97 |
學期:上 |
系所年級:電機系碩一 |
教師:張軒庭 |
教學目標:藉由本課程之修習,可以使學生學習光學之原理與光學元件與裝置之特性,並將之使到信號處理的各種應用上,尤其是二維與三維的影像信號處理。例如影像相關性運算,影像加密,圖形辨識等等。 |
教學活動及評量方式: 課堂講解,評量方式: Midterm-30%, Final-30%, Paper presentation & Project: 40% |
教科書及參考書(請依作者,書名,版次,出版人,出版地,出版年月,起訖頁次等順序填寫): Text Books: (1)
Bradley G. Boone, Signal Processing using Optics: fundamentals,
devices, architectures, and applications, Oxford University Press Inc., Reference
Books: 1.
J.W. Goodman, Introduction to Fourier Optics, 3nd
Edition, Roberts & Company Publishers, United States, 2005開發書局代理 2.
F.T.S. Yu, S. Jutamulia, and S. Yin (Editors), Introduction to
Information Optics, Academic Press, 3.
F. Yu and I.C. Khoo, Principles of
Optical Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 1990 4.
J. Gaskill, Linear Systems, Fourier
Transforms, and Optics, John Wiley & Sons, 1978 International
Journals: 1.
Optical Engineering 2.
Applied Optics: Information Processing 3.
Journal of Optical Society of 4.
Optics Communications 5.
Optics Letters 6.
Optics Express Magazines: 1.
OPN: Optics and Photonics News 2.
OE Magazine 3.
Physics Today |
其他說明:(Office Hours、上課時間、教室…) Office
Hour: Tuesday 10:00~12:00 Room:
EL233 Phone:
05-5342601 ext. 4263 Email:
htchang@yuntech.edu.tw |
學程召集:人: |
填表教師: |
張軒庭 |
或系所主管 |
97年 9月5 日 |
註:請授課教師依教學大綱填寫本表,並分送課程所屬學程(或系所)及上課班級學生。 |
國立雲林科技大學授課科目教學計畫表 |
P.2 |
科目名稱: |
週次 |
上課日期 |
教 學 與 作 業 進 度 |
備 註 |
1 |
0918 |
Two dimensional linear systems |
2 |
0925 |
Two dimensional linear systems |
3 |
1002 |
Stochastic processes and nonlinear systems |
4 |
1009 |
Stochastic processes and nonlinear systems |
5 |
1016 |
Mathematical transformations used in optical signal processing |
6 |
1023 |
Mathematical transformations used in optical signal processing |
7 |
1106 |
Fundamental properties of light and geometrical optics |
8 |
1113 |
Fundamental properties of light and geometrical optics |
9 |
1120 |
期中考 |
10 |
1127 |
Summary of physical optics |
11 |
1204 |
Summary of physical optics |
12 |
1211 |
Fourier transform and imaging properties of optical systems |
13 |
1218 |
Fourier transform and imaging properties of optical systems |
14 |
1225 |
Light sources and detectors & Spatial light modulators |
15 |
0101 |
放假 |
16 |
0108 |
Optical spectrum analysis and correlation |
17 |
0115 |
Image and matched spatial filtering |
18 |
0122 |
期末考 |
19 |
20 |