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搜尋條件:著作類別->全部著作 | 學院->College Of Engineering | 系所->Department of Mechanical Engineering | 教師姓名->Chang Shyang-Jye


  1. Shyang-Jye Chang and Kuan-Hsien Liu, 2024, Multiscale defect extraction neural network for green coffee bean defects detection, IEEE Access, Vol. 12, pp.15856-15866. (SCI)
  2. Shyang-Jye Chang* and Tai-Rong Wu, 2023, Development of a signature verification model based on a small number of samples, Signal, Image and Video Processing, Vol.18, pp.285-294. (SCI)
  3. Shyang-Jye Chang and Zhi-Xuan Wei, 2022, Influences of the Scanning Strategy on Surface Roughness in Selective Laser Melting, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol.236, No.14, pp.1853-1866. (SCI)
  4. Shyang-Jye Chang and Han-Yun Tsai, 2022, Simulation of Volume Energy Density Effect on Roughness in Selective Laser Melting, Journal of Innovative Technology, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 65-73. (其他)
  5. Shyang-Jye Chang and Chien-Yu Huang, 2021, Deep Learning Model for the Inspection of Coffee Bean Defects, Applied Sciences, Vol.11, No.17, pp.8226. (SCI)
  6. 張祥傑, 2020, Influences of the scanning strategy on surface roughness in selective laser melting, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, Vol.0954405420978119, pp. 1-14. (SCI)
  7. Shyang-Jye Chang and Ray-Hong Wang, 2017, Novel motion estimation algorithm for image stabilizer, Engineering Computations, Vol.34, No.1, pp.77-89. (SCI)
  8. Sy-Wei Lo, Ya-Hua Guo, Li-Chieh Hsu, Shyang-Jye Chang and Yueh-Ting Wu, 2017, Aerostatic Thrust Bearing Combining Silicone Restrictor with Flexible Disk under Circumferential Support for High Static Stiffness, Tribology Transactions, Vol.60, No.1, pp.31-38. (SCI)
  9. Shyang-Jye Chang and Zheng-Yang Hsieh, 2017, Investigation of the electrode design of a single-mode piezo-electric actuator, Transactions of the Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 40, No.5, pp.933-945. (SCI)
  10. S. J. Chang* and W.H. Cai, 2015, Anti-shake System for Digital Dynamic Image, Scientia Iranica B, Vol.22, No.5, pp.2134-2141. (SCI)
  11. Shyang-Jye Chang and Hung-Wei Hsieh, 2015, Development of the Audio Enhancement Method by Using the Reflected Signals in the Reverberant Environment, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Vol.2015, No.385196, pp.1-6. (SCI)
  12. S. J. Chang, 2014, Design and fabrications of the novel single-mode piezoelectric actuator, Journal of Vibroengineering,, Vol.16, No.7, pp.3294-3301. (SCI)
  13. S.J. Chang, 2014, Wet deposition process for thin-film transistors, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol.29, No.4, pp.498-503. (SCI)
  14. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2013, Design of the Piezoelectric Actuator with Double Driving Tips, International Journal of Automation and Smart Technology, Vol.3, No.4, pp.259-263. (其他)
  15. S. J. Chang, 2013, Optimal Design of the Single-mode Piezoelectric Actuator, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Vol.479, pp.324-328. (EI)
  16. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2013, Design and fabrication of the piezoelectric actuator with double pushers, Innovation, Communication and Engineering, pp.369-372. (EI)
  17. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2013, Design and Fabrication of the Large Thrust Force Piezoelectric Actuator, Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, Vol.2013, No.912857, pp.1-5. (SCI)
  18. S. J. Chang, 2013, Design and testing of a uniformly solar energy TIR-R concentration lenses for HCPV systems, OPTICS EXPRESS, Vol.21, No.S6, pp.A942-A952. (SCI)
  19. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2012, Noise Reduction Analysis Using the Hilbert-Huang Transform and Wiener Filter, Journal of Science and Innovation, Vol.2, No.2, pp.67-76.
  20. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2012, An Advanced Solution Design for Heat Conduction Equation: Adaptive Fuzzy Approach, Advanced Science Letters, Vol.8, pp.863-867.
  21. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2012, Design and Simulation of the Novel Piezoelectric Actuator with Multiple Driving Tips, Advanced Science Letters, Vol.8, pp.317-321.
  1. 張旭豐, 張祥傑, 2023, 擴增實境中觸覺回饋裝置研製與可行性評估, 中國機械工程學會第40屆全國學術研討會, 2023/12/01-02, 中國機械工程學會, 彰化.
  2. 吳奕穎, 鄭承鴻, 張祥傑, 2023, 以焊接機器手臂製作一維聲子晶體之可行性評估, 中國機械工程學會第40屆全國學術研討會, 2023/12/01-02, 中國機械工程學會, 彰化.
  3. 白舜耀, 陳怡華, 張祥傑, 2023, 選擇性雷射熔融成品表面特性之數值模擬與分析, 中國機械工程學會第40屆全國學術研討會, 2023/12/01-02, 中國機械工程學會, 彰化.
  4. 簡子易, 張祥傑, 2023, 特徵強化結合目標檢測演算法應用於交通號誌辨識, 第3屆台灣智慧電動車及綠能科技研討會, 2023/11/25, 國立雲林科技大學, 斗六.
  5. 張旭豐, 張祥傑, 2023, 壓力感測鍵盤研製與應用:提高密碼安全性與肩窺抵禦, 第二十六屆全國機構與機器設計學術研討會, 2023/10/27, 國立雲林科技大學, 斗六.
  6. Efrem Olivio Gomes and Shyang-Jye Chang, 2023, Design and Fabrication of Kirigami-Type Robot’s Soft Gripper, International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Intelligent Systems, 2023/08/30-2023/09/01, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei.
  7. Chang, H. F., & Chang, S. J., 2023, Pressure Tactile Feedback Pin Pad Module Application: Reduce Shoulder Surfing Success Rate, The 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2023/07/23-28, World Conference Services Inc, Copenhagen.
  8. 白舜耀, 張祥傑, 2023, 掃描策略對粗糙度之影響-以選擇性雷射熔融數值模擬為例, 第8屆台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, 2023/04/28-29, 台灣機電工程國際學會, 高雄.
  9. 陳霖, 張祥傑, 2023, 基於YOLOv7神經網路演算法於咖啡豆瑕疵分類之研究, 第8屆台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, 2023/04/28-29, 台灣機電工程國際學會, 高雄.
  10. 吳奕穎, 張祥傑, 2023, 焊接機械手臂製造一維聲子晶體, 第8屆台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, 2023/04/28-29, 台灣機電工程國際學會, 高雄.
  11. Chin-Yi Cheng, Chen-En Shi, Ilham Saputra and Shyang-Jye Chang, 2023, Comparison of sound recognition using Mahalanobis-Taguchi System and Integrated Convolutional Neural Network System - An example of car window motor operation sound, The 14th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technologies, 2023/04/01-04, Ritsumeikan University, Tokyo.
  12. Chien-Yu Huang, Shyang-Jye Chang and Chin-Yi Cheng, 2023, Dimensionality Reduction CNN Deep Learning Model for Detecting Coffee Bean Defects, The 14th International Conference on Mechanical and Electrical Technologies, 2023/04/01-04, Ritsumeikan University, Tokyo.
  13. 孫敬軒, 劉冠賢, 張祥傑*, 2021, 基於多尺度卷積神經網絡之生咖啡豆分類系統, 中國機械工程學會第 38 屆全國學術研討會, 2021/12/03-04, 中國機械工程學會, 台南.
  14. 陳霖, 黃千瑜, 張祥傑*, 2021, 降維卷積網路結合轉移學習之神經網絡演算法開發, 中國機械工程學會第 38 屆全國學術研討會, 2021/12/03-04, 中國機械工程學會, 台南.
  15. Chien-Yu Huang, and Shyang-Jye Chang*, 2021, Automatic Detection and Classification of Coffee Beam Defects via Deep Learning, The 10th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2021/10/29-2021/11/02, Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation, Taoyuan.
  16. 郭晉豪, 張祥傑*, 2021, 磁吸式智能風扇檢測機構, 全國氫能與燃料電池研討會, 2021/09/02-03, 台灣氫能與燃料電池學會, 台南.
  17. 林育至, 鄭柏泰, 張祥傑*, 2021, 體積能量密度及掃描策略對表面粗糙度之影響-以選擇性雷射熔融為例, 台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, 2021/05/28-29, 台灣機電工程國際學會, 桃園.
  18. 劉冠賢, 孫敬軒, 張祥傑*, 2021, 多尺度卷積神經網絡之生咖啡豆分類系統, 台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, 2021/05/28-29, 台灣機電工程國際學會, 桃園.
  19. 張祥傑, 2020, 基於 MFCC 智慧辨識系統用於風扇品質檢測, 中華民國力學學會第四十四屆全國力學會議, 2020/11/26-27, 中華民國力學學會, 宜蘭.
  20. 張祥傑, 2020, 機械手臂焊接路徑補正與檢測系統, 中華民國力學學會第四十四屆全國力學會議, 2020/11/26-27, 中華民國力學學會, 宜蘭.
  21. 張祥傑, 2020, Numerical Simulation of volume energy density effect on single track in selective laser melting, The 9th International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2020/10/23-27, Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation, Taichung.
  22. 張祥傑, 2020, 六軸機械手臂多曲面毛邊修整自動化系統建構, 台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, 2020/04/24-25, 台灣機電工程國際學會, 台中市.
  23. 張祥傑, 2020, 多自由度爬行載具之設計與製作, 台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, 2020/04/24-25, 台灣機電工程國際學會, 台中市.
  24. 張祥傑, 2020, 海洋漁業智能規劃魚體自動選別排整裝箱, 台灣機電工程國際學會全國學術研討會, 2020/04/24-25, 台灣機電工程國際學會, 台中市.
  25. Shyang-Jye Chang* & Ray-Hong Wang, 2017, Strategy Design of Motion Estimation for the Image Stabilizer, Academic Network International Conference on Information Technology and System Engineering 2017, 2017/11/17-18, IPN Education Group, Osaka.
  26. Shyang-Jye Chang, Jing-Yuan Lin, 2017, A New Type of Multi-degrees of Freedom Piezoelectric Motor, The Fifth International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2017/10/27-31, TAETI, Hualien.
  27. Chang, Shyang-Jye*, and Lee, Kuan-Ting, 2017, Development of the Flexible Touching Pressure Sensor, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation, 2017/05/13-17, IEEE, Sapporo.
  28. 張祥傑, 林敬沅, 2017, 新型雙自由度壓電致動器之設計與製作, 中國造船暨輪機工程研討會, 2017/03/11-12, 國立成功大學, 台南市.
  29. Shyang-Jye Chang, and Lee, Kuan-Ting, 2016, Design of the Multi-DOF Touching Pressure Sensor, The Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology, 2016/11/22-24, Higher Education Forum, Kyoto.
  30. Shyang-Jye Chang, and Jing-Yuan Lin, 2016, Design and Simulation of Multi-degrees of Freedom Piezoelectric Actuator, The Fifth International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2016/10/28-2016/11/01, Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation, Taichung.
  31. Shyang-Jye Chang, and Chia-Wei Chi, 2016, Design and Simulation of Low Power Consumption Multi-DOF Piezoelectric Actuator, International Conference on Applied System Innovation, 2016/05/28-2016/06/01, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Okinawa.
  32. S. J. Chang*, and H. J. Zhao, 2015, Residual Powder Removing System for SLS 3D Printing Platform, The Annual Conference on Engineering and Technology, 2015/11/04-06, Higher Education Forum, Nagoya.
  33. Shyang-Jye Chang*, and Zheng-Yang Hsieh, 2015, The Investigation of Electrode Design and Output Performance of Piezoelectric Actuator, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2015/10/30-2015/11/03, Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation, Kaohsiung.
  34. Shyang-Jye Chang*, and Ray-Hong Wang, 2015, Development of Motion Vectors Searching Method for High-Resolution Image Sequence, International Multi-Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2015/10/30-2015/11/03, Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation, Kaohsiung.
  35. Shyang-Jye Chang*, Hung-Wei Hsieh, 2015, Development of Audio Enhancement Algorithm in Reverberant Environments, The 4th International Congress on Natural Sciences and Engineering, 2015/05/07-09, Higher Education Forum, Kyoto.
  36. Shyang-Jye Chang*, Jing-Yuan Lin, 2015, Development of Multi-degrees of Freedom Piezoelectric Actuator, Seoul International Conference on Engineering and Applied Science, 2015/01/08-10, Higher Education Forum, Seoul. (MOST 103-2221-E-224-033-)
  37. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2014, Study of the Dynamic Image Stabilizer, The 3rd International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation, 2014/10/31-2014/11/04, Taiwan Association of Engineering and Technology Innovation, Kenting.
  38. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2014, Study of Navel PCB-Flat Plate Heat Pipe for LED Lighting Module, International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications, 2014/06/24-28, Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Busan.
  39. S. J. Chang, 2014, Study of the large thrust force piezoelectric actuator with double pushers, International Symposium on Green Manufacturing and Applications, 2014/06/24-28, Korean Society for Precision Engineering, Busan.
  40. 張祥傑, 2014, 光波長對植物生長之影響, 數位生活科技研討會, 2014/06/20-21, 國立高雄大學, 高雄.
  41. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2014, A Novel Structure Heat Pipe for a Concentrator Photovoltaic, 2014 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies, 2014/06/20-21, 國立高雄大學, Kaohsiung.
  42. Chang, Shyang-Jye, 2013, A Novel TIR-R Concentration Module of Uniformly Solar Energy for HCPV Systems, 2013 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 2013/12/15-17, IEEE, Kobe.
  43. S. J. Chang, 2013, Design and Simulation of thePiezoelectric Actuator Using Taguchi Method, 2013 IEEE/SICE InternationalSymposium on System Integration, 2013/12/15-17, IEEE, Kobe.
  44. S. J. Chang, 2013, Optimal Design of the Single-mode Piezoelectric Actuator, 2013 International Applied Science and Precision Engineering Conference, 2013/10/18-22, 國立中興大學, Nantou.
  45. 張祥傑, 2013, 自動化醫學美容機構設計與系統控制, 數位生活科技研討會, 2013/06/27-28, 國立雲林科技大學, 斗六.
  46. 張祥傑, 2013, 動態影像穩定系統設計, 數位生活科技研討會, 2013/06/27-28, 國立雲林科技大學, 斗六.
  47. 張祥傑, 2013, 壓電致動器之最佳化壓電元件尺寸設計, 數位生活科技研討會, 2013/06/27-28, 國立雲林科技大學, 斗六.
  48. S. J. Chang, 2013, A NOVEL DUALSCREEN PROJECTION SYSTEM USING A BALANCE-TYPE MICROMIRROR WITH A PIEZOELECTRIC ACTUATOR, Symposium on Digital Life Technologies, 2013/06/27-28, 國立雲林科技大學, Douliu.
  49. S. J. Chang, 2012, Design and Simulation of the Single-mode Piezoelectric Actuator with Asymmetric Electrodes, 2012 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 2012/12/16-18, IEEE, Fukuoka, Kyushu University.
  50. S. J. Chang, 2012, Design and Fabrication of A Multi-degree-of-freedom Microactuator using Symmetric Piezoelectric Pusher Element and its Applications, 2012 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration, 2012/12/16-18, IEEE, Fukuoka, Kyushu University.
  51. 張祥傑, 2012, 動態影像穩定演算法之評估, 中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會, 2012/12/07-08, 中國機械工程學會, 高雄, 國立中山大學.
  52. 張祥傑, 2012, 自動化醫學美容設備設計與製作, 中國機械工程學會第二十九屆全國學術研討會, 2012/12/07-08, 中國機械工程學會, 高雄, 國立中山大學.
  53. 張祥傑, 2012, 可應用於微量注射器之壓電致動器設計, 中華民國力學學會第三十六屆全國力學會議, 2012/11/16-17, 中華民國力學學會, 中壢, 國立中央大學.
  54. 張祥傑, 2012, 迴響反射聲音於語音強化之研究, 中華民國力學學會第三十六屆全國力學會議, 2012/11/16-17, 中華民國力學學會, 中壢, 國立中央大學.
  55. S.J. Chang, 2012, Wet deposition process for thin-film transistors, The 15th International Conference on Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 2012/09/23-26, AMPT, Wollongong, University of Wollongong.
  56. S.J. Chang, 2012, Study of Thin Film Adhesion Properties of Multi-layer Flexible Electronics Composites, The 7th IEEE International Conference on Nano/Micro Engineered and Molecular Systems, 2012/03/05-08, IEEE, Kyoto, Kyoto University.
  57. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2011, A New Application for Pattern Recognition Problem Using Fuzzy Logic Model and Evolutionary Programming, The 11th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2011), 2011/11/18-20, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Douliu.
  58. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2011, Noise reduction analysis using the combined methods of the Hilbert-Huang transform and Wiener filter, The 11th International Conference on Automation Technology (Automation 2011), 2011/11/18-20, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Douliu.
  59. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2011, An advanced Solution Design for Heat Conduction Equation: Adaptive Fuzzy Approach, The First International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2011 (ICETI2011), 2011/11/11-15, National Formosa University, Kenting.
  60. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2011, Design and Simulation of the Novel Piezoelectric Actuator with Multiple Driving Tips, The First International Conference on Engineering and Technology Innovation 2011 (ICETI2011, 2011/11/11-15, National Formosa University, Kenting.
  61. Shyang-Jye Chang, 2011, Noise Elimination Design of Microphone Array of Smart Phone:ARMA Model Based Kalman Filter Approach, 2011 Symposium on Digital Life Technologies, 2011/07/07-08, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Douliu, Yuntech.
  62. 張祥傑, 2011, 壓電陶瓷表面波傳行為之模擬與分析, 2011數位生活科技研討會, 2011/07/07-08, 雲林科技大學, 斗六市.
  63. S.J. Chang, 2011, Design and Fabrication of Pocket Sun-tracking System Using a Symmetric Piezoelectric Pusher Elemen, 2011 Symposium on Digital Life Technologie, 2011/07/06-07, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Douliu.
  64. S.J. Chang, 2011, A Novel Dual Screen Projection System Using Balance-type Micromirror with Piezoelectric Actuator, The 16th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducer'11), 2011/06/05-09, Tsinghua University, Beijing.
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