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搜尋條件:著作類別->全部著作 | 學院->College of Management | 系所->Department of Industrial Engineering and Management | 教師姓名->Lu Hsueh-Yi


  1. Ho, UC., Hsieh, CJ., Lu, HY., Husng, PH., Kuo, LT., 2024, Predictors of extubation failure and prolonged mechanical ventilation among patients with intracerebral hemorrhage after surgery, Respiratory Research volume, Vol.19. (SCIE)
  2. Hsueh-Yi Lu, Ue-Cheung Ho, Lu-Ting Kuo, 2023, Impact of Nutritional Status on Outcomes of Stroke Survivors: A Post Hoc Analysis of the NHANES, Nutrients, Vol.15, No.2. (SSCI, SCIE)
  3. Hsueh-Yi Lu, Kuang-Ming Liao, 2022, The incidence of bronchiectasis in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Open Medicine, Vol.17, No.1, pp.1927-1934. (SSCI, SCIE)
  4. Ching-Hua Huang, Shih-Ying Ni, Hsueh-Yi Lu, Abel Po-Hao Huang, Lu-Ting Kuo, 2022, Predictors of Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation Among Patients with Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage After Microsurgical Clipping, Neurology and Therapy. (SSCI, SCIE)
  5. Hsueh-Yi Lu, Abel Po-Hao Huang, Lu-Ting Kuo, 2021, Prognostic Value of Circadian Brain Temperature Rhythm in Basal Ganglia Hemorrhage After Surgery, Neurology and Therapy. (SCI)
  6. Lu-Ting Kuo, Hsueh-Yi Lu, Abel Po-Hao Huang, 2021, Prognostic Value of Circadian Rhythm of Brain Temperature in Traumatic Brain Injury, Journal of Personalized Medicine, Vol.11, No.7. (SCI)
  7. Hsueh-Yi Lu, Abel Po-Hao Huang, Lu-Ting Kuo, 2021, Prognostic value of variables derived from heart rate variability in patients with traumatic brain injury after decompressive surgery, PLOS ONE, Vol.16, No.2. (SCI)
  8. Kuang-Ming Liao, Lu-Ting Kuo, Hsueh-Yi Lu*, 2020, Hospital costs and prognosis in end-stage renal disease patients receiving coronary artery bypass grafting, BMC Nephrology, Vol.21. (SCI)
  9. Kuang-Ming Liao, Lu-Ting Kuo, Hsueh-Yi Lu*, 2019, Increased risk of peripheral arterial occlusive diseases in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a nationwide study in Taiwan, International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Vol.2019, No.14, pp.1455—1464. (SCI)
  10. Hsueh-Yi Lu and Kuang-Ming Liao, 2018, Increased risk of deep vein thrombosis in end-stage renal disease patients, BMC Nephrology, Vol.19. (SCI)
  11. Lu‑Ting Kuo, Hsueh‑Yi Lu*, Jui‑Chang Tsai, Yong‑Kwang Tu, 2018, Prediction of Shunt Dependency After Intracerebral Hemorrhage and Intraventricular Hemorrhage, Neurocritical Care. (SCI)
  12. Lu HY, Liao KM, 2018, Risk of empyema in patients with COPD, International Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Vol.13, pp. 317—324. (SCI)
  13. Li-Ying Yang, Hsueh-Yi Lu*, 2017, Job Stress, Coping Strategies and Turnover Intention:A Study of full-time counselor Assistants in Halfway House (Chinese), Journal of Health Management, Vol.15, No.2, pp.1-20. (其他)
  14. Liao, K.M., Lu, H.Y.*, 2016, Complications after total knee replacement in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A nationwide case–control study, Medicine, Vol.95, No.37. (SCI)
  15. Kuo LT, Lu HY, Lee CC, Tsai JC, Lai HS, Tseng HM, Kuo MF, Tu YK., 2016, Multiplexed methylation profiles of tumor suppressor genes and clinical outcome in oligodendroglial tumors, Cancer Medicine. (SCI)
  16. Liao, K.M., Lu, H.Y.*, 2016, A National Analysis of Complications Following Total Hip Replacement in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, Medicine, Vol.95, No.12. (SCI)
  17. Lu, H.Y., Li, T.C., Tu, Y.K., Tsai, J.C., Lai, H.S., Kuo, L.T., 2015, Predicting long-term outcome after traumatic brain injury using repeated measurements of Glasgow Coma Scale and data mining methods, Journal of Medical Systems, Vol.39, No.14. (SCI)
  18. Hsueh-Yi Lu, Chen-Yuan Huang, Chwen-Tzeng Su, Chen-Chiang Lin, 2014, Predicting Rotator Cuff Tears Using Data Mining and Bayesian Likelihood Ratios, PLoS One, Vol.9, No.4. (SCI)
  19. Chao C.H., Hung C.F., Lu H.Y., 2012, A Study of Influences of the Medical Service Recovery Strategy on Patients Loyalty, Journal of Customer Satisfaction, Vol.8, No.2, pp.211-236. (其他)
  20. 呂學毅, 2011, Online health consultation: Examining uses of an interactive cancer communication tool by low-income women with breast cancer, international journal of medical informatics, Vol.80, No.7, pp.518-528. (SCI)
  1. 呂學毅, 陳虹綾, 郭律廷, 陳崇鈺, 2023, 使用抗凝血劑之病患發生出血性腦中風後與醫療耗用之關聯, 2023醫療品質研討會, 2023/05/13, 中華六標準差管理學會, 台中市,中山醫學大學.
  2. 呂學毅, 黃靖茹, 郭律廷, 2023, 運用深度學習與遷移學習建構顱內出血患者呼吸器使用之預測模型, 2023醫療品質研討會, 2023/05/13, 中華六標準差管理學會, 台中市,中山醫學大學.
  3. 呂學毅, 孫胤恆 , 陳崇鈺, 廖光明, 2023, 運用存活分析探討肺癌第四期患者因呼吸衰竭與醫療耗用之關聯性, 2023醫療品質研討會, 2023/05/13, 中華六標準差管理學會, 台中市,中山醫學大學.
  4. 呂學毅, 呂明臻, 郭律廷, 2023, 應用機器學習與心律變異建立阻塞型睡眠呼吸中止症預測模型, 2023醫療品質研討會, 2023/05/13, 中華六標準差管理學會, 台中市,中山醫學大學.
  5. Hsueh-Yi Lu, 2023, Combining Long-Short-Term-Memory Networks and Time Series Data to Construct Prognosis Predictive Models for Brain Injury Patients after Surgery, The 2023 International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, 2023/05/12-14, Chung Shan Medical University, Kyoto.
  6. Hsueh-Yi Lu, 2022, Build a Biometric Recognition Model Using Markov Chain and Time Series Heart Rate Variability, The 2022 6th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, 2022/05/13-15, Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society(CBEES), Virtual Conference.
  7. 呂學毅, 蔡佳臻, 2021, 運用存活分析探討慢性阻塞性肺病對支氣管擴張症之影響-以台灣全民健康保險資料庫為例, 2021玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會, 2021/05/23, 玉山醫務暨健康管理學會, 線上.
  8. 呂學毅, 陳國禎, 2021, 運用機器學習預測相同壓力閥下分流管植入手術後水腦症患者之腦脊隨液體積變化, 2021玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會, 2021/05/23, 玉山醫務暨健康管理學會, 線上.
  9. 呂學毅, 徐宜君, 2021, 應用深度學習與生理節律資料建構腦損傷病患術後預後之預測模型, 2021玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會, 2021/05/23, 玉山醫務暨健康管理學會, 線上.
  10. 呂學毅, 柯羽憶, 2021, 運用機器學習與心律變異建立肺部疾病預測模型, 2021玉山醫務暨健康管理學會學術研討會, 2021/05/23, 玉山醫務暨健康管理學會, 線上.
  11. Hsueh-Yi Lu, Cheng-Hsien Tsai, Zhih-Shan Lin, 2021, Using Convolution Neural Network and Sonographic Images to Construct a Predictive Model for Renal Disorders Severity in Children with Urinary Tract Infection, The 2021 International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, 2021/05/14-16, Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society(CBEES), Virtual Conference (EI Compendex).
  12. Hsueh-Yi Lu, 2020, Applying Propensity Score and Support Vector Machine to Construct a Predictive Model for Heart Disease, Proceedings of 2020 4th International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, 2020/08/14-16, Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society(CBEES), Online Kamakura City, Japan (EI Compendex).
  13. 吳政洋, 呂學毅, 2020, 運用人工類神經網路及生理特徵建構腻血流量之預測模型, 2020醫護與健康科技研討會, 2020/05/16, 聖母醫護管理專科學校, 宜蘭縣.
  14. 呂學毅, 林至善, 2020, 應用卷積神經網路輔助急診嬰幼兒腎臟超音波判定結構異常, 2020醫護與健康科技研討會, 2020/05/16, 聖母醫護管理專科學校, 宜蘭縣.
  15. 呂學毅, 黃子音, 2020, 運用機器學習建構罹患骨質疏鬆症之預測模型―以NHANES 資料庫為例, 2020醫護與健康科技研討會, 2020/05/16, 聖母醫護管理專科學校, 宜蘭縣.
  16. Hsueh-Yi Lu, Kun-Wang Chiang, 2019, Using Data Mining to Build Hydrocepahalus Predict Model for Pressure Setting of Shunt Valve, The 11th International Academic Conference 2019, 2019/05/10-11, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taichung.
  17. Hsueh-Yi Lu, Chun-Wei Chou, 2019, Using Survival Analysis to Explore the Affect of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease on Peripheral Arterial Occlusive Disease, The 11th International Academic Conference 2019, 2019/05/10-11, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taichung.
  18. Hsueh-Yi Lu, Sing-Han Lee, 2019, Applying Genetic Algorithms in Feature Selection to Construct Predictive Model for Urine Tract Infection in the Febrile Infants which Under 3 Years of Age, The 11th International Academic Conference 2019, 2019/05/10-11, Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taichung.
  19. Hsueh-Yi Lu, Lu-Ting Kuo, 2018, Development of a Smart Drainage Control System Using Support Vector Regression, The 2018 International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics, 2018/06/08-10, Chemical, Biological & Environmental Engineering Society(CBEES), TsuKuba.
  20. 呂學毅, 蔡明達, 郭律廷, 2018, 建置引流智能系統並應用時間序列方法預測, 2018健康休閒創新學術研討會, 2018/06/02, 康寧大學, 台南市.
  21. 呂學毅, 賈毅修, 廖光明, 2018, 運用存活分析探討末期腎臟病對冠狀動脈繞道手術患者預後之影響-以台灣健保資料庫為例, 2018健康休閒創新學術研討會, 2018/06/02, 康寧大學, 台南市.
  22. 呂學毅, 吳芷瑄, 2018, 運用心電圖及馬可夫模型建置生物辨識系統, 2018健康休閒創新學術研討會, 2018/06/02, 康寧大學, 台南市.
  23. 呂學毅, 王建偉, 郭律廷, 2018, 探討心臟病患者吸菸對其病後死亡率之影響與預測–以NHANES資料庫之病患為例, 2018健康休閒創新學術研討會, 2018/06/02, 康寧大學, 台南市.
  24. 呂學毅, 郭律廷, 朱祐德, 2017, 探討腦血管疾病患者其飲食與運動情況對病後死亡率之影響以NHANES資料庫為例, 2017台灣健康照護聯合學術研討愷暨兩岸健康照護品質交流, 2017/11/06, 財團法人醫院評鑑暨醫療品質策進會, 台北市.
  25. 廖穗伶, 陳姝年, 呂學毅, 蘇鈺雯, 2017, 護理長工作壓力與健康生活品質之分析-以雲嘉區域醫院為例, 2017第二次護理學術論文發表會, 2017/10/20, 台灣護理管理協會, 台南.
  26. Lu, H.Y., 2017, Applying a Novel Genetic Algorithm in Feature Selection and Discretization to Construct Data Mining Predictive Models for Heart Disease Diagnosis, 2017 International Conference on Business and Information, 2017/07/04-06, National Taipei University, Hiroshima. (MOST 105-2221-E-224-042)
  27. 呂學毅, 郭益廷, 郭律廷, 2017, 建置支持向量回歸模型於智能引流輸液控制系統之流速精準調控, 2017年醫護與健康科技研討會, 2017/06/03, 聖母醫護管理專科學校, 宜蘭縣.
  28. 呂學毅, 廖光明, 許哲維, 2017, 運用存活分析探討慢性阻塞性肺病患者之不同因子對膿胸的影響-以台灣健保資料庫為例, 2017年醫護與健康科技研討會, 2017/06/03, 聖母醫護管理專科學校, 宜蘭縣.
  29. Lu, H.Y., 2016, Using Novel Genetic Algorithm to Explore the Factors Associated with Stroke and Sleep Disorders, 2016 International Conference on Business and Information, 2016/07/03-05, National Taipei University, Nagoya, Japan.
  30. 呂學毅, 廖浚佑, 2016, 運用存活分析探討慢性阻塞性肺病患者進行人工髖關節置換術之預後風險因素-以台灣健保資料庫為例, 2016 國際醫學資訊聯合研討會, 2016/06/11-12, 台北醫學大學, 台北市.
  31. 呂學毅, 廖育祥, 2016, 結合物聯網建置護理人力指派最佳化模型-智慧型靜脈輸液控制器之應用, 2016 國際醫學資訊聯合研討會, 2016/06/11-12, 台北醫學大學, 台北市.
  32. 呂學毅, 林育嫺, 2016, 運用基因演算法進行特徵選取建構罹患心臟病之資料探勘預測模型, 2016 國際醫學資訊聯合研討會, 2016/06/11-12, 台北醫學大學, 台北市.
  33. Szu-Ta Chen, Yu-Hsien Lin, Hsueh-Yi Lu, Yen-Hsuan Ni, 2016, Obesity, but not metabolic syndrome, is associated with decreased trace elements in adolescents, 2016 49th Annual Congress of ESPGHAN, 2016/05/25-28, The European Society for Paediatric Gastroenterology Hepatology and Nutrition, Athens, Greece.
  34. 呂學毅, 2015, Prediction of weaning outcomes for brain injury patients using mechanical ventilator after surgery, 2015 International Congress on Natural Sciences and Engineering, 2015/05/07-09, Higher Education Forum, Kyoto.
  35. 呂學毅, 2015, 建置腦內出血病患手術預後狀況預測模型—運用餘弦分析法探討生理節律預測因子, 2015第十屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 2015/04/17-18, 台灣健康資訊管理學會, 台南.
  36. 呂學毅, 2015, 利用資料探勘建立腦中風下影響睡眠障礙因素之預測模型, 2015第十屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 2015/04/17-18, 台灣健康資訊管理學會, 台南.
  37. 呂學毅, 2015, 探討產前孕婦心律變異與睡眠情況對於產後嬰兒睡眠品質之相關性, 2015第十屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 2015/04/17-18, 台灣健康資訊管理學會, 台南.
  38. 呂學毅, 2015, 利用台灣空間與醫療巨量資料進行腦血管疾病發生率及死亡率之相關性探討, 2015第十屆國際健康資訊管理研討會, 2015/04/17-18, 台灣健康資訊管理學會, 台南.
  39. Lu, H.Y., Lin, Y.H., 2014, The Use of Conjoint Analysis to Construct a Healthcare App Assessment Model, 2014 International Conference on Business and Information, 2014/07/03-05, International Conference on Business and Information, Osaka.
  40. 呂學毅, 凃佾呈, 2014, 以心電圖之心率變異分析在腦損傷病患之預後評估, 第八屆創新管理學術與實務研討會, 2014/06/06, 萬能科技大學管理學院, 中壢.
  41. 呂學毅, 蔡孟欣, 2014, 血液透析病患腦中風後之癒後狀況與醫療資源耗用之探討, 第八屆創新管理學術與實務研討會, 2014/06/06, 萬能科技大學管理學院, 中壢.
  42. 呂學毅, 徐萬均, 2014, 運用資料探勘技術建置腦室引流管拔管預測模型, 第八屆創新管理學術與實務研討會, 2014/06/06, 萬能科技大學管理學院, 中壢.
  43. 呂學毅, 歐耘卉, 2014, 針對腦損傷脫離呼吸器成效之相關因素探討及預測, 第八屆創新管理學術與實務研討會, 2014/06/06, 萬能科技大學管理學院, 中壢.
  44. Hsueh-Yi Lu, 2013, Optimum Doctor-Visit strategy for Hepatitis B Patients Using Markov Decision Processes, 2013 International Conference on Business and Information, 2013/07/07-09, International Business Academics Consortium, Bali.
  45. 呂學毅, 張竣維, 2013, 運用conjoint analysis法建置健康照護用app評估模式, 2013臺灣商管與資訊研討會, 2013/05/24, 國立台中科技大學, 台中.
  46. 呂學毅, 陳彥璋, 2013, 運用資料探勘預測學業需高關懷群之模型建置, 2013臺灣商管與資訊研討會, 2013/05/24, 國立台中科技大學, 台中.
  47. Hsueh-Yi Lu, Chen-Chiang Lin, 2012, Classification of Rotator Cuff Tear: Application of Data Mining Method, The 11th International Congress on Nursing Informatics, 2012/06/23-27, American Medical Informatics Association, Montreal.
  48. 呂學毅, 李國誌, 2012, 應用馬可夫決策模型於慢性B型肝炎病患之回診週期管理, 2012 安全管理與工程技術國際研討會, 2012/05/31, 吳鳳科技大學, 嘉義.
  49. 袁明鑑 呂學毅 黃貞元 蔣天如 林素鉁 林鎮江, 2011, 慢性肝炎檢驗數據之參數化模型建構與數據模擬, 2011國際品質管理研討會暨第47屆中華民國品質學會年會, 2011/11/05, 中華民國品質學會, 彰化縣, 大葉大學, pp.501-512.
  1. 呂學毅, 2015, 預測自發性腦出血病患手術預後狀況—運用時間序列生理節律因子、餘弦分析法及資料探勘, 科技部結案報告. (執行期間:2014/8/1-2015/7/31)
  2. 呂學毅, 2014, 行動式維修作業輔助系統之建置-泰國廠, 產學合作結案報告. (執行期間:2014/5/1~2014/12/31)
  3. 呂學毅, 2014, 混練流程物料配送分派系統之建置, 產學合作結案報告. (執行期間:2014/1/1~2014/10/31)
  4. 呂學毅, 2014, 行動健康照護用App評估模型之建置: 聯合分析法之應用, 國科會專題研究計畫報告. (執行期間:2013/8/1-2014/7/31)
  5. 呂學毅, 2013, 幼兒園經營績效評估指標與評估架構之建構, 產學合作結案報告, 幼兒園經營績效評估指標與評估架構之建構. (執行期間:2013/7/1~2013/12/31) (102-410)
  6. 呂學毅, 2013, 應用馬可夫決策模型於B型肝炎病患之最佳化回診策略, 國科會專題研究計畫報告, 應用馬可夫決策模型於B型肝炎病患之最佳化回診策略, 101-2221-E-224-044-. (執行期間:2012/8/1~2013/7/31)
  7. 呂學毅, 2013, 行動式倉儲及維修作業輔助系統之建置-彰化廠, 產學合作結案報告, 行動式倉儲及維修作業輔助系統之建置-彰化廠. (執行期間:2012/9/1~2013/8/31) (102-1148)
  8. 呂學毅, 2012, 使用Bayesian方法及資料探勘輔助診斷肩旋轉袖撕裂(I), 國科會專題研究計畫報告, 使用Bayesian方法及資料探勘輔助診斷肩旋轉袖撕裂(I), 100-2218-E-224-014-. (執行期間:2011/8/1~2012/7/31)
  9. 呂學毅, 2011, 101年專科護理師訓練醫院認定試評人力支援計畫, 產學合作結案報告. (執行期間:2011/9/12011/12/31)
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