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搜尋條件:著作類別->全部著作 | 學院->College Of Engineering | 系所->Interdisciplinary program of engineering | 教師姓名->Chiang Chang-Yue


  1. Chang-Yue Chiang*, Chien-Hsing Chen, and Chin-Wei Wu*, 2023, Fiber Optic Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Carboxymethylated Dextran Modified Gold Nanoparticles Surface for High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) Analysis, Biosensors, Vol.13, No.5, 522, 1-18. (SCI)
  2. Chien‑Tsung Wang*, Wei‑Shen Chen, Keng‑Hao Fan, Chang‑Yue Chiang*, Chin‑Wei Wu, 2022, Bismuth and nitrogen co‑doped graphene oxide for efficient electrochemical sensing of Pb(II) by synergistic dual‑site interaction, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Vol.26, No.12, pp.5277. (SCI)
  3. Chien-Hsing Chen, Chang-Yue Chiang*, 2022, Determination of the Highly Sensitive Carboxyl-Graphene Oxide-Based Planar Optical Waveguide Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor, Nanomaterials, Vol.12, No.13, pp.2146-2165. (SCI)
  4. Shu-Mei Fan, Chang-Yue Chiang, Yen-Ta Tseng, Tsung-Yan Wu, Yen-Ling Chen, Chun-Jen Huang, Lai-Kwan Chau, 2021, Detection of Hg(II) at Part-Per-Quadrillion Levels by Fiber Optic Plasmonic Absorption Using DNA Hairpin and DNA-Gold Nanoparticle Conjugates, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Vol.4, No.10, pp.10128–10135. (SCI)
  5. Chien-Hsing Chen, † Chang-Yue Chiang*, † Chin-Wei Wu, Chien-Tsung Wang* and Lai-Kwan Chau*, 2021, Integrated Graphene Oxide with Noble Metal Nanoparticles to Develop High-Sensitivity Fiber Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance (FOPPR) Biosensor for Biomolecules Determination, Nanomaterials, Vol.11, No.3, pp.635-649. (SCI)
  6. Yen-Ta Tseng†, Wan-Yun Li†, Ya-Wen Yu†, Chang-Yue Chiang, Su-Qin Liu, Lai-Kwan Chau*, Ning-Sheng Lai* and Cheng-Chung Chou*, 2020, Fiber Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance Biosensor for Label-Free Detection of Nucleic Acids and Its Application to HLA-B27 mRNA Detection in Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis, Sensors. (SCI)
  7. Chang-Yue Chiang, Chien-Hsing Chen*, Chien-Tsung Wang, 2020, Fiber Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance‐Based Immunoassay Using a Novel Multi‐Microchannel Biochip, Sensors. (SCI)
  8. Ting-Chou Chang†, Chang-Yue Chiang†, Min-Hsiu Lin†, I-Kuang Chen†, Lai-Kwan Chau*, Day-Shin Hsu, Szu-Shan Shieh, Chin-Jung Kuo, Shau-Chun Wang, Yung-fou Chen, 2020, Fiber optic particle plasmon resonance immunosensor for rapid and sensitive detection of methamphetamine based on competitive inhibition, Microchemical Journal. (SCI)
  9. 江昌嶽, 2019, Fiber optic nanogold-linked immunosorbent assay for rapid detection of procalcitonin at femtomolar concentration level, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol.151. (SCI)
  10. 江昌嶽, 2019, Managing water quality in a river basin with uncertainty, International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology., Vol.16, No.109, pp.1-12. (SCI)
  11. 江昌嶽, 2018, Effect of surface coverage of gold nanoparticles on refractive index sensitivity in fiber-optic nanoplasmonic sensing, Sensors, Vol.18, No.6, pp.1759-1773. (SCI)
  1. 葉衽榤, 江昌嶽, 2023, 發散收斂,框架創新:從創意思考到實踐的迭代學習及對創造力激發的影響。, 2023通識教育教師社群教學創新、跨域與實踐成果研討會, 2023/10/25, 國立雲林科技大學通識教育中心, 雲林縣,國立雲林科技大學.
  2. Chang-Yue Chiang, Chien-Hsing Chen*, 2022, Integrated graphene oxide with noble metal nanoparticles to develop high sensitivity fiber optic plasmonics biosensor for biomolecules determination, 2022 International Symposium on Machinery and Mechatronics for Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering (ISMAB 2022), 2022/11/15-17, Chinese Institute of Agricultural Machinery (CIAM), Kaohsiung Exhibition Center, Kaohsiung, Taiwan..
  3. Tsung-Chun Hsieh, Wun-Ciang Jhang, Chang-Yue Chiang, Che-Hao Liao, and Chih-Chieh Hsu*, 2022, Effect of Electrodes on Memory Window and Stability of Hafnium-Zirconium-Oxide Resistive Memory, International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2022(IEDMS 2022), 2022/10/27-28, 國立暨南國際大學、科技部, National Chi Nan University, Nantou.
  4. Wen-Chin Wu, Che-Hao Liao, Chang-Yue Chiang, and Chih-Chieh Hsu*, 2022, Fabrication of barium titanate resistive memory with high ON/OFF current ratio and high stability, International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium 2022(IEDMS 2022), 2022/10/27-28, 國立暨南國際大學、科技部, National Chi Nan University, Nantou.
  5. 陳建興, 江昌嶽, 王劍能, 李澄鈴, 胡淮勝, 2022, 光子晶體光纖干涉儀應變感測器研發與特性量測, TSEM 2022(2022第一屆台灣實驗力學研討會), 2022/08/26-28, 台灣實驗力學研討會, 澎湖, 台灣.
  6. 吳勁葦*, 廖育瑲, 江昌嶽, 王健聰, 2021, 茶類濃度品質控管系統, 2021生機與農機學術研討會, 2021/10/21-22, 台灣生物機電學會, 國立屏東科技大學, pp.493-495.
  7. 廖育瑲, 江昌嶽*, 陳建興, 吳勁葦, 王健聰*, 2021, 基於高靈敏度羧基氧化石墨烯的光纖式奈米電漿共振技術檢測鏈黴親和素之研究, 2021生機與農機學術研討會, 2021/10/21-22, 台灣生物機電學會, 國立屏東科技大學, pp.490-492.
  8. 吳勁葦(C.W, Wu)*, 陳建興(C.H, Chen), 江昌嶽(C.Y, Chiang), 謝季吟 (C.Y, Hsieh), 江介倫(J.L, Chiang), 王健聰(C.T, Wang), 2021, Portable optical detector for real-time detection of chlorophyll, 2021年(第35屆)環境分析化學線上研討會, 2021/06/29-30, 中華民國環境分析學會, 桃園行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所, 線上,, pp.74.
  9. Chang-Yue Chiang*, Chien-Hsing Chen, Chin-Wei Wu, Chien-Tsung Wang, and Jian-Neng Wang, 2020, Development of Tapered Fiber Optic Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Refractive Index Sensor, 2020年奈尺尺度技術與材料研討會, 2020/12/18, 大葉大學 電機工程學系、 教育部, 彰化縣, 大葉大學, pp.30.
  10. Chang-Yue Chiang, Chien-Hsing Chen*, Cheng-Ling Lee, Jian-Neng Wang, Chien-Tsung Wang, 2020, Fiber-optic plasmonic immunoassay sensor using a novel multi-microchannel lab-on-a-chip, Optics & Photonics Taiwan International Conference (OPTIC), 2020/12/03-05, 台北科技大學,科技部光電學門成果發表會,MOST光子學計劃第25屆年會, 台北市,台北科技大學, pp.P0101-P003.
  11. Chang-Yue Chiang*, Chin-Wei Wu, Chien-Hsing Chen, Chien-Tsung Wang, Lai-Kwan Chau, and Ting-Chou Chang, 2020, Integrated graphene oxide with noble metal nanoparticles to develope high sensitivity fiber optic particle plasmon resonance (FOPPR) biosensor for biomolecules determination, The 2020 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Nanomedicine Society, 2020/11/28, Taiwan Nanomedicine Society, 台北市中央研究院, pp.99.
  12. 江昌嶽*, 王健聰, 吳勁葦, 甘子芸, 廖育瑲, 劉祐瑄, 林峻全, 2020, 平面光波導粒子電漿共振感測器, 2020全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽, 2020/11/19, 國立彰化師範大學工學院、彰化縣產學精進協會, 彰化縣,國立彰化師範大學, pp.A15.
  13. Chang-Yue Chiang*, Chien-Tsung Wang, Yu-Qiang Liao, Tzu-Yun Kan, Jyun-Cyuan Lin, Yu-Hsuan Liu, 2020, Planar Optical Waveguide Particle Plasmon Resonance Based Sensor, 2020第十一屆IIIC國際創新發明競賽, 2020/11/19, 中華創新發明學會、俄羅斯阿基米德國際發明協會, 台北市, pp.銀74.
  14. 唐延諭, 黃晧誠, 周明漳, 林容慶, 王健聰, 陳建興, 江昌嶽*, 2020, 長照2.0智能居家環境即時監測警示平台, 萬潤2020創新創意競賽, 2020/10/14, 萬潤科技股份有限公司、教育部、科技部南部科學工業園區管理局, 台南市,崑山科技大學, pp.B31.
  15. Chien-Hsing Chen1*, Chang-Yue Chiang2*, Cheng-Ling Lee3, and Chien-Tsung Wang2, 2020, Study of graphene oxide coupled with noble metal nanoparticle for refractive index sensor, Information Photonics 2020 (IP’20), 2020/09/11-12, 國立臺灣師範大學、科技部, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, PN6.
  16. 唐延諭, 王健聰, 陳建興, 江昌嶽*, 2020, 結合貴金屬奈米粒子與平面光波導的新穎生化感測平台, 2020先進化學學用合一研討會暨學生論文發表會, 2020/06/20, 東海大學化學系與中國化學會台中分會, 台中市,東海大學, pp.-AC-8.
  17. 周明漳, 王健聰, 陳建興, 江昌嶽*, 2020, 平面光波導奈米電漿子感測器消光光譜之研究, 2020先進化學學用合一研討會暨學生論文發表會, 2020/06/20, 東海大學化學系與中國化學會台中分會, 台中市,東海大學, pp.-AC-06.
  18. 黃晧誠, 王健聰, 陳建興, 江昌嶽*, 2020, 反射型光纖式粒子電漿共振生物感測器, 2020先進化學學用合一研討會暨學生論文發表會, 2020/06/20, 東海大學化學系與中國化學會台中分會, 台中市,東海大學, pp.-AC-07.
  19. 江昌嶽, 2019, Production of monoclone like polyclonal antibody for establishing a system to detect Nervous Necrosis Virus (NNV) in combination with fiber optic particle plasmon resonance technique, 2019 全國生物科技暨健康產業學術研討會, 2019/10/25-26, 台灣生物科技暨健康產業協會、教育部高等教育深耕計畫, 嘉義縣,南華大學, p.108.
  20. 江昌嶽, 2019, 浸潤型光纖式奈米電漿子生物感測器, 2019 CONFERENCE ON BIO-MECHATRONICS AND AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY ENGINEERING, 2019/10/17-18, 台灣生物機電學會, 台中市,中興大學, PF-01.
  21. 江昌嶽, 2019, Production of Monoclone-like Polyclonal Antibody for Establishing A System to Detect Nervous Necrosis Virus. (NNV) in Combination with Fiber-optic Particle Plasmon Resonance (FOPPR) Technique, 14th Asian Congress on Biotechnology, ACB 2019, 2019/07/01-04, Asian Federation of Biotechnology, AFOB, Taipei, taiwan, P3-173.
  22. 江昌嶽, 2018, A Tapered Fiber Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance Sensor developed by an Electric Arc Discharge System, OPTIC 2018, 2018/12/06-08, 國立交通大學光電學院, 台南市, 國立交通大學南分院.
  23. 江昌嶽, 2018, Anti-MDA5 detection in patients with inflammatory myositis, 20th Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology Congress, 2018/09/06-09, MCI Australia, Kaohsiung Exhibition Centre, Taiwan (R.O.C.).
  24. 江昌嶽, 2018, Using Sandwich Method in Fiber Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance Biosensor to Increase the Sensitivity of Detecting Procalcitonin, 第二十四屆分析技術交流研討會, 2018/05/19, 科技部自然司化學研究推動中心分析化學小組, 國立臺灣海洋大學生命科學院(基隆市中正區北寧路2號).
  25. 江昌嶽, 2018, Development of High Sensitivity Silver Ion Sensor Based on Fiber Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance, 32屆環境分析化 學研討會暨學會年會, 2018/05/03-04, 中華民國環境工程學會, Taoyuan.
  1. 江昌嶽, 王健聰, 吳勁葦, 廖育瑲, 2023, 「平面光波導式粒子電漿共振感測器、其製備方法以及平面光波導式粒子電漿共振感測系統」, 中華民國發明專利證號:I802053. (執行期間:專利權法定起訖日2023/05/11-2041/10/20)
  2. 周禮君, 江昌嶽, 楊宗諭, 張博雅, 2020, 待測物濃度之測定方法及套組, 中華民國發明專利證號:I684756. (執行期間:專利權法定起訖日2020/02/11-2038/08/30)
  3. 周禮君, 江昌嶽, 姜崇勝, 謝文馨, 黃貞翰, 2017, 光波导式粒子电浆共振感测系统, 中華人民共和國發明專利證號:ZL201410435886.2. (執行期間:Date of patent: 2017-10-20)
  4. 周禮君, 吳勁葦, 江昌嶽, 陳建興, 2017, 具自我校正功能之光波導式粒子電漿共振感測裝置及其系統, 中華民國發明專利證號:I585390. (執行期間:專利權法定起訖日:2017/06/01 至 2036/02/18)
  5. Lai-Kwan Chau, Yu-Chung Huang, Chih-To Wang, Chien-Hsing Chen, Chang-Yue Chiang,, 2017, Reflection-based tubular waveguide particle plasmon resonance sensing system and sensing device thereof, US patent, Patent number: US9,612,197 B2. (執行期間:Date of Patent: 2017/04/04, Expiring date: 2035/0)
  6. Lai-Kwan Chau, Chang-Yue Chiang, Chung-Sheng Chiang, Wen-Hsin Hsieh, Chen-Han Huang, 2016, Optical waveguide-particle plasmon resonance sensing system, UK patent,Patent number: GB2517955.. (執行期間:Date of patent: 2016/6/8, Expiring date: 2033/9/5)
  7. 周禮君, 黃昱中, 王之鐸, 陳建興, 江昌嶽, 2016, 反射式管狀波導粒子電漿共振感測系統及其感測裝置, 中華民國發明專利證號:I537553. (執行期間:專利權法定起訖日:2016/6/11~2035/1/22)
  8. Lai-Kwan Chau, Chin-Wei Wu, Chang-Yue Chiang, Chien-Hsing Chen, 2016, Self-referencing localized plasmon resonance sensing Device and system thereof, US patent, Patent number: US 10,324,034 B2. (執行期間:Date of patent:2016.02.19, Expiring date: 2036.02.)
  9. 周禮君, 江昌嶽, 姜崇勝, 謝文馨, 黃貞翰, 2015, 光波導式粒子電漿共振感測系統, 中華民國發明專利證號:I484155. (執行期間:專利權法定起訖日:2015/5/11~2033/9/4)
  10. 周禮君, 江昌嶽, 2014, 具自我校正功能的光纖式定域電漿共振感測系統及方法, 中華民國發明專利證號:I438420. (執行期間:專利權法定起訖日:2014/5/21~2029/10/19)
  11. 周禮君, 謝賜山, 郭晉榮, 姜崇勝, 江昌嶽, 施侑伸, 2013, 光電回授感測系統, 中華民國發明專利證號:I411900. (執行期間:專利權法定起訖日:2013/10/11~2030/5/13)
  12. Lai-Kwan Chau, Szu-Shan Shieh, Chin-Jung Kuo, Chung-Sheng Chiang, Chang-Yue Chiang, Yu-Shen Shih, 2013, Photoelectric feedback sensing system having a sensing apparatus outputting a light signal corresponding to a characteristic of a sample within the sensing apparatus, US patent,Patent number:US 8,357,888 B2.. (執行期間:Date of Patent: 2013/1/22, Expiring date: 2031/9/9)
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