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搜尋條件:著作類別->全部著作 | 學院->College Of Engineering | 系所->Interdisciplinary program of engineering | 教師姓名->Chin-Wei Wu


  1. Chang-Yue Chiang*, Chien-Hsing Chen, Chin-Wei Wu*, 2023, Fiber Optic Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Sensor Based on Carboxymethylated Dextran Modified Gold Nanoparticles Surface for High Mobility Group Box 1 (HMGB1) Analysis, biosensors, Vol.13, pp.522. (SCI)
  2. Chien‑Tsung Wang*, Wei‑Shen Chen, Keng‑Hao Fan, Chang‑Yue Chiang*, Chin‑Wei Wu, 2022, Bismuth and nitrogen co‑doped graphene oxide for efficient electrochemical sensing of Pb(II) by synergistic dual‑site interaction, Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry, Vol.26, pp.2699-2711. (SCI)
  3. Chien-Hsing Chen†, Chang-Yue Chiang*†, Chin-Wei Wu, Chien-Tsung Wang* and Lai-Kwan Chau*, 2021, Integrated Graphene Oxide with Noble Metal Nanoparticles to Develop High-Sensitivity Fiber Optic Particle Plasmon Resonance (FOPPR) Biosensor for Biomolecules Determination, Nanomaterials, Vol.11, No.3, pp.635-649. (SCI)
  1. Chang-Yue Chiang*, Chien-Hsing Chen, Chin-Wei Wu, Jian-Neng Wang, 2023, Trace Determination of High Mobility Group Box 1 Using a Label-Free Fiber-Optic Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensor, OPTIC 2023, 2023/12/01-03, 中華民國光電學會, 成功大學.
  2. 林彥昆*, 吳勁葦, 2022, 基於深度學習之口腔掃描齒冠模型分離, 中國機械工程學會第三十九屆全國學術研討會論文集, 2022/12/02-03, 中國機械工程學會, 國立聯合大學, 苗栗市, 國立聯合大學, D15-016.
  3. 廖育瑲, 江昌嶽*, 陳建興, 吳勁葦, 王健聰*, 2021, 基於高靈敏度羧基氧化石墨烯的光纖式奈米電漿共振技術檢測鏈黴親和素之研究, 2021生機與農機學術研討會, 2021/10/21-22, 台灣生物機電學會, 屏東縣, 國立屏東科技大學, pp.490-492.
  4. 吳勁葦*, 廖育瑲, 江昌嶽, 王健聰, 2021, 茶類濃度品質控管系統, 2021生機與農機學術研討會, 2021/10/21-22, 台灣生物機電學會, 屏東縣, 國立屏東科技大學, pp.493-495.
  5. 吳勁葦(C.W, Wu)*, 陳建興(C.H, Chen), 江昌嶽(C.Y, Chiang), 謝季吟 (C.Y, Hsieh), 江介倫(J.L, Chiang), 王健聰(C.T, Wang), 2021, Portable optical detector for real-time detection of chlorophyll, 2021年(第35屆)環境分析化學線上研討會, 2021/06/29-30, 中華民國環境分析學會; 行政院環境保護署環境檢驗所, 線上, 編號74.
  6. Chang-Yue Chiang*, Chien-Hsing Chen, Chin-Wei Wu, Chien-Tsung Wang, and Jian-Neng Wang, 2020, Development of Tapered Fiber Optic Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Refractive Index Sensor, 2020年奈尺尺度技術與材料研討會, 2020/12/18, 大葉大學 電機工程學系, 彰化縣, 大葉大學, p.30.
  7. Chin-Wei Wu*, Chien-Tsung Wang, 2020, The stability and application of gold nanoparticles fixed on the substrate, 2020年奈尺尺度技術與材料研討會, 2020/12/18, 大葉大學 電機工程學系, 彰化縣, 大葉大學, p.29.
  8. Chang-Yue Chiang*, Chien-Hsing Chen, Chin-Wei Wu, Chien-Tsung Wang, Lai-Kwan Chau, and Ting-Chou Chang, 2020, Integrated graphene oxide with noble metal nanoparticles to develope high sensitivity fiber optic particle plasmon resonance biosensor for biomolecules determination, The 2020 Annual Meeting of Taiwan Nanomedicine Society, 2020/11/28, Taiwan Nanomedicine Society, 台北市, 中央研究院, p. 99.
  9. 江昌嶽*, 王健聰, 吳勁葦, 甘子芸, 廖育瑲, 劉祐瑄, 林峻全, 2020, 平面光波導粒子電漿共振感測器, 2020全國大專院校產學創新實作競賽, 2020/11/19, 國立彰化師範大學工學院、彰化縣產學精進協會, 彰化縣, 彰化師範大學, p.A15.
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