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搜尋條件:著作類別->全部著作 | 學院->College Of Engineering | 系所->Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering | 教師姓名->Young, Pei-Hsin


  1. Christine Young, An-Yi Wu, Ri-Yu Li, 2024, Synergistic Charge Storage Enhancement in Supercapacitors via Ti3C2Tx MXene and CoMoO4 Nanoparticles, Micromachines, Vol.15, No.2, pp.234. (SCI)
  2. Christine Young, Jia-Wei Zhuang, 2024, Synergistic two-dimensional metal sulfide heterostructures from ZIF-67: A promising catalyst for efficient overall water splitting, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.49, pp.805-815.
  3. Christine Young, Min-Ying Lai, 2024, Core–shell bimetallic copper–molybdenum sulfides nanomaterials derived from a Cu-based metal-organic framework as efficient bifunctional electrocatalyts, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, Vol.51, pp.655-666. (SCI)
  4. Kai-Jen Wu, Wen-Bin Young, Christine Young, 2023, Structural supercapacitors: A mini-review of their fabrication, mechanical & electrochemical properties, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol.72, pp.108358. (SCI)
  5. Christine Young, Bing-Yi Yi, 2022, Morphology-controlled synthesis of metal-organic frameworks derived hollow nanostructures for supercapacitor application, Journal of Energy Storage, Vol.56, pp.106188. (SCI)
  6. Christine Young, Hong-Ting Chen, 2022, Supercapacitor application of a three-dimensional carbon sphere–intercalated porous carbon fabricated using a hard template and a biomass material, Diamond and Related Materials, Vol.13, pp.109528. (SCI)
  7. Minjun Kim, Ruijing Xin, Jacob Earnshaw, Jing Tang, Jonathan P Hill, Aditya Ashok, Ashok Kumar Nanjundan, Jeonghun Kim, Christine Young, Yoshiyuki Sugahara, Jongbeom Na, Yusuke Yamauchi, 2022, MOF-derived nanoporous carbons with diverse tunable nanoarchitectures, Nature Protocols, pp.1-42. (SCI)
  8. Christine Young, Hong-Ting Chen, Sahn-Ze Guo, 2022, Highly Porous Holey Carbon for High Areal Energy Density Solid-State Supercapacitor Application, Micromachines, Vol.13, No.6, pp.916. (SCI)
  9. 易秉儀, 楊沛欣, 2022, 利用形貌控制製備中空多孔結構金屬硫化物之電化學研究, 化工會刊, Vol.69, pp.29.
  10. Christine Young, Bing-Yi Yi, Hong-Ting Chen, 2022, Template-assisted fabrication of CuxS–C hybrid-structure-based electrodes for electrochemical applications, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.438, No.15, pp.132549. (SCI)
  11. 楊沛欣, 2020, Fabrication of Flexible Microsupercapacitors with Binder-Free ZIF-8 Derived Carbon Films via Electrophoretic Deposition, Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, Vol.93, No.1, pp.176-181. (SCI)
  12. 楊沛欣, 2019, Ultra-thin, highly graphitized carbon nanosheets into three-dimensional interconnected framework utilizing a ball mill mixing of precursors, Chemical Engineering Journal, Vol.374, pp.1214-1220. (SCI)
  13. 楊沛欣, 2019, Hollow microspherical and microtubular [3+ 3] carbazole-based covalent organic frameworks and their gas and energy storage applications, ACS applied materials & interfaces, Vol.11, No.9, pp.9343-9354. (SCI)
  14. 楊沛欣, 2019, Jute-derived microporous/mesoporous carbon with ultra-high surface area using a chemical activation process, Microporous and Mesoporous Material, Vol.274, pp.251-256.
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