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搜尋條件:著作類別->全部著作 | 學院->College Of Engineering | 系所->Department of Electrical Engineering | 教師姓名->Hua Chih-Chiang


  1. 華志強, 2021, Forest Management using Internet of Things in the Fushan Botanical Garden in Taiwan, Journal of Advances in Artificial Life Robotics, Vol.2, No.2, pp.2795. (SCIE)
  2. 華志強, 2021, A Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking Method without Oscillations in Steady-State for Photovoltaic Energy Systems, Energies, Vol.14, No.18, pp.5590. (SCI)
  3. 華志強, 2019, An Interleaved Flyback-Typed LED Driver with ZVS and Energy Recovery of Leakage Inductance, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol.34, No.5, pp.4497-4508.
  4. 華志強, 2018, Improved solar system with maximum power point tracking, IET Renewable Power Generation, Vol.12, No.7, pp.806-814.
  5. Chih-Chiang Hua; Chun-Wei Wu; Chih-Wei Chuang, 2009, A Digital Predictive Current Control With Improved Sampled Inductor Current for Cascaded Inverters, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol.56, No.5, pp.1718-1726.
  6. 華志強, 吳俊緯, 黃啟倫, 2005, 燃料電池雙向補償DC/DC電力轉換器之研製, 電力電子, Vol. 3, No. 3, pp. 47-52.
  7. Chihchiang Hua and Jongrong Lin, 2005, Current Converter with Two-Loop Maximum Power Tracking Control for Solar Arrays EPE Journal, Vol. 13, No. 3. (EI)
  8. 華志強, 莊志偉, 2004, 數位式單相串並聯主動電力濾波器之研製, 工程科技學刊.
  9. Chihchiang Hua and Shih-Chung Huang, 2004, Design and Implementation of DSP-Based Controller for Grid-Connected Power Conversion Systems, submitted to IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. (SCI, EI)
  10. Chihchiang Hua and Jongrong Lin, 2004, DSP-based Unfalsified Control for Maximum Power Tracking of Solar Arrays, submitted to IEE Proceedings – Electric Power Applications. (SCI, EI)
  11. Chihchiang Hua and Jongrong Lin, 2004, A Modified Tracking Algorithm for Maximum Power Tracking of Solar Array, Energy Conversion and Management, Vol. 45, No. 6, pp. 911-925. (SCI, EI)
  12. 華志強, 林宜民, 2004, 高性能CPLD控制最大功率追蹤太陽能模組電力轉換系統, 太陽能及新能源學刊, pp. 12-18.
  13. 華志強,林明星,吳汶榮, 溫世偉, 2004, 接地阻抗對濾波器效果的影響與分析, 電力電子, Vol. 1, No. 4.
  14. 李建興,王啟珉,華志強, 2003, 高功率無線廣播電台電磁干擾之探討, 電力電子, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 26-36.
  15. Chihchiang Hua, Jongrong Lin and Hongkee Tzou, 2003, MPP Control of a Photovoltaic Energy System, European Transactions on Electrical Power, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 239-246. (SCI, EI)
  16. 華志強,吳俊緯,劉尉仕, 2003, 太陽能供電路燈系統之設計, 照明學刊, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 1-14.
  17. Chih-Chiang Hua and Jong-Rong Lin, 2003, An on-line MPPT algorithm for rapidly changing illuminations of solar arrays, Renewable Energy, Vol. 28, No. 7, pp. 1129-1142. (EI)
  18. 華志強,蔡俊偉, 2002, 模糊控制三態充電器之設計與製作, 電子月刊, No. 132, pp. 166-175.
  19. 華志強,廖國安, 2002, 分散式太陽能發電系統之換流器並聯控制, 太陽能學刊, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 20-25.
  20. 華志強,葉朝陽, 2002, 電子式安定器應用於照明設備之實務技術分析, 台電工程月刊, No. 643, pp. 65-81.
  21. Chihchiang Hua, Ming-Chang Wu and Meng-Yu Lin, 2001, EMI Suppression and Influence for Power Factor Correction Circuit in UPS Systems, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 1-9.
  22. Chihchiang Hua and Chao-Young Yea, 2001, Design and Implementation of the Single-Stage High-Power-Factor Electronic Ballast for Multiple Lamps, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 10, No. 6, pp. 437-446.
  23. 華志強,黃世中, 2001, 市電並聯太陽能發電系統之數位控制換流器的設計與實現, 電機月刊, No. 132, pp. 166-175.
  24. 華志強, 2001, 太陽能發電技術介紹, 太陽能學刊, Vol. 6, No. 1, pp. 40-45.
  25. 林忠榮,華志強, 1999, 以數位訊號處理器研製太陽能電池之最大功率追蹤器, 電子月刊, No. 53, pp. 132-143.
  26. 華志強, 1999, 太陽能發電系統之並聯控制, 太陽能學刊, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 32~36.
  27. 華志強, 1999, 太陽能電力轉換器之研究, 太陽能學刊, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 15-24.
  28. Chihchiang Hua and Cheng-Shiung Chang, 1999, Dimming Characteristics of the Integrated High Power Factor Electronic Ballast, Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 125-133.
  29. 華志強,吳明璋,林孟郁, 1999, 不斷電系統中功因修正電路對EMI的影響之研究, 電子月刊, No. 43, pp. 100-107.
  30. Chihchiang Hua, Jong-Rong Lin and Chihming Shen, 1998, Design and Implementation of Photovoltaic Power Storage System with Digital Signal Processor, Journal of The Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 47-58.
  31. Chihchiang Hua, Jongrong Lin and Chihming Shen, 1998, Implementation of a DSP-Controlled Photovoltaic System with Peak Power Tracking, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 45, No. 1, pp. 99-107. (SCI, EI)
  32. 華志強,吳明璋, 1998, 不斷電系統的傳導性電磁干擾, 電子月刊, No. 30, pp. 86-94.
  33. Chihchiang Hua, Gengshing Peng and Chihming Shen, 1997, Conductive EMI Suppression and Input EMI Filter Design for UPS, Power Electronic Technology, Vol. 36, pp. 1-10.
  34. Chihchiang Hua and Jong-Rong Lin, 1997, Photovoltaic System - Characteristics of Solar Cells and Control of Battery Charger, Proceedings of NSC, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 476 -484.
  35. 華志強,沈志明,彭建勳, 1997, UPS的電磁干擾防治技術, 電子月刊, No. 19, pp. 77-86.
  36. Chihchiang Hua and Gengshing Peng, 1996, Conductive EMI Suppression for Single Phase Inverter, Journal of Yunlin Institute of Technology, Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 139-146.
  37. Chihchiang Hua and Jong-Rong Lin, 1995, Design and Implementation of Maximum Power Point Tracking Converter for Photovoltaic Cells, Power Electronic Technology, Vol. 30, pp. 69-83.
  38. Chihchiang Hua, 1995, Two-Level Switching Pattern Deadbeat DSP Controlled PWM Inverter, IEEE Trans. on Power Electronics, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 310-317. (SCI, EI)
  39. Chihchiang Hua, 1995, Digital Control of UPS Inverter with MCT and Two-Level Pulse Pattern, Journal of Control Systems and Technology, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 105-113. (SCI, EI)
  40. Chihchiang Hua, 1995, A Current-Source Compensated Digital Controlled PWM Inverter for Nonlinear Loads, Journal of Yunlin Institute of Technology, Vol. 4, pp. 13-21.
  41. 彭建勳,華志強, 1995, 切換式電源供應器電磁干擾之分析與濾波器設計, 電力電子技術, No. 27, pp. 12-47.
  1. 華志強, 2018, A Novel Dual-Bridge LLC Resonant Converter with Wide Range of Low Input Voltage, 2018 5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, 2018/09/19-21, South Asia Institute of Science and Engineering (SAISE), 名古屋,名古屋大學, pp.361-365.
  2. 華志強, 2018, Two-stage fast charging method using dual-switch flyback converter, 2018 5th International Conference on Power and Energy Systems Engineering, 2018/09/19-21, South Asia Institute of Science and Engineering (SAISE), 名古屋,名古屋大學, pp.366-370.
  3. 華志強, 江錫津, 涂家政, 2009, 風力發電系統之電力轉換器研製, 第八屆台灣電力電子研討暨展覽會, 2009/09/04, 清雲科技大學電機工程系、國科會工程處工程科技推展中心、中華民國電力電子協會, 清雲科技大學, pp.1558-1563.
  4. 華志強, 吳建璋, 江錫津, 蔡承祐, 2009, 燃料電池之電力轉換器研製, 第八屆台灣電力電子研討暨展覽會, 2009/09/04, 清雲科技大學電機工程系、國科會工程處工程科技推展中心、中華民國電力電子協會, 清雲科技大學, pp.1152-1157.
  5. 華志強, 鄭堅宏, 2009, 太陽能模組與風力發電機之混合式發電系統研製, 第八屆台灣電力電子研討暨展覽會, 2009/09/04, 清雲科技大學電機工程系、國科會工程處工程科技推展中心、中華民國電力電子協會, 清雲科技大學, pp.1156-1161.
  6. 華志強, 江錫津, 薛宗偉, 2009, 鋰鐵電池與鉛酸電池充放電特性, 第八屆台灣電力電子研討暨展覽會, 2009/09/04, 清雲科技大學電機工程系、國科會工程處工程科技推展中心、中華民國電力電子協會, 清雲科技大學, pp.711-715.
  7. 華志強, 邱奕超, 2009, 數位控制單相功率因數修正轉換器之研製, 第八屆台灣電力電子研討暨展覽會, 2009/09/04, 清雲科技大學電機工程系、國科會工程處工程科技推展中心、中華民國電力電子協會, 清雲科技大學, pp.564-567.
  8. 華志強, 蔡承祐, 吳俊緯, 2009, 具模糊控制之燃料電池系統輔助電源轉換器, 第八屆台灣電力電子研討暨展覽會, 2009/09/04, 清雲科技大學電機工程系、國科會工程處工程科技推展中心、中華民國電力電子協會, 清雲科技大學, pp.502-507.
  9. Chih-Chiang Hua, Chia-Cheng Tu, 2009, Design and implementation of power converters for wind generator, IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Application (ICIEA’ 09), 2009/05/25-27, the IEEE Industrial Electronics (IE) Chapter of Singapore, Northwestern Polytech, 西安, pp.3372–3377.
  10. Chih-Chiang Hua, Yi-Chau Chiou, 2009, Digital photovoltaic power conversion system with intelligent control approach, IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Application (ICIEA’ 09), 2009/05/25-27, the IEEE Industrial Electronics (IE) Chapter of Singapore, Northwestern Polytech, 西安, pp.2044–2048.
  11. Chih-Chiang Hua, Hsi-Chin Chiang, Chien-Chang Wu, 2009, Empirical modeling of proton exchange membrane fuel cell performance using universal approximation theory of fuzzy system, IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Application (ICIEA’ 09), 2009/05/25-27, the IEEE Industrial Electronics (IE) Chapter of Singapore, Northwestern Polytech, 西安, pp.2049–2055.
  12. Chih-Chiang Hua, Jeng-Da Lin, Jun-Wei Wu, and Wei-Shi. Liu, 2005, Design and Implementation of a Digital Controlled Power Converter for Fuel Cell Systems, IPEC’05.
  13. Chih-Chiang Hua and Pi-Kuang Ku, 2005, Implementation of a Stand-Alone Photovoltaic Lighting System with MPPT,Battery Charger and High Brightness LEDs, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS’05).
  14. Chih-Chiang Hua and Ching-Hsiang Hsu,, 2005, Implementation of a Regenerative Pulse and Equalization Battery Charger Using a DSP, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS’05), Yunlin(National Yunlin Univ).
  15. Chih-Chiang Hua and Chih-Wei Chuang, 2005, Design and Implementation of a Hybrid Series Active Power Filter, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS’05).
  16. 華志強, 劉尉仕, 吳汶榮, 2004, 燃料電池數位控制電力轉換器之研製, 第三屆台灣電力電子研討會, pp. 158-161.
  17. 華志強, 莊志偉, 江錫津, 2004, 混合式串聯型主動電力濾波器之研製, 第三屆台灣電力電子研討會, pp. 207-211.
  18. 華志強, 莊志偉, 江錫津, 2004, 採用混合式控制法則於單相串聯型主動電力濾波器之研製, 電力研討會.
  19. 華志強, 林宜民, 施文斌, 2004, 高性能CPLD控制最大功率追蹤太陽能模組電力轉換系統, 第三屆台灣電力電子研討會, pp. 423-428.
  20. 華志強, 李松茂, 李弘慶, 2004, 全數位控制高功因三相交直流轉換器之研製, 第三屆台灣電力電子研討會, pp. 702-706.
  21. Chih-Chiang Hua, Jun-Wei Wu, Jeng-Da Lin, Yi-Ming Lin, 2004, High-Performance Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic Power Converter System Based on Complex Programmable Logic Device Control, IPEC’05.
  22. Chihchiang Hua and Jun-Wei Wu, 2004, Design and Implementation of Three-State Battery Charger and Fuzzy-Based Charge Controller, International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC 2004), Xi'an.
  23. Chihchiang Hua and Jeng-Da Lin, 2004, A Fully Digital Wide-Range Phase-Locked-Loop Control For Utility Interface Inverters, International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC 2004), Xi'an.
  24. 蘇丁財、華志強、陳兆雄, 2003, 應用零電壓轉移技術之高性能功因修正器, 第二屆台灣電力電子研討會, pp. 77-82.
  25. 蘇丁財、江錫津、華志強, 2003, 零電壓轉移昇壓型功因修正器之研究與設計, 第24屆電力工程研討會, pp. 50-54.
  26. 華志強、劉尉仕、李松茂、林宜民, 2003, 省電型太陽能路燈研製, 第二屆台灣電力電子研討會, pp. 328-334.
  27. 華志強、許銘圳、蘇丁財, 2003, 磁滯控制之並聯運轉功因修正器, 第二屆台灣電力電子研討會, pp. 521-527.
  28. 華志強、林政達、周恕賢, 2003, 數位式市電並聯型換流器之研製, 第二屆台灣電力電子研討會, pp. 65-70.
  29. 華志強、李智順、蘇丁財, 2003, 數位式單相並聯型主動電力濾波器之研製, 第二屆台灣電力電子研討會, pp. 508-514.
  30. 華志強、江錫津、李建興, 2003, 應用空間向量脈寬調變技術之數位式高功因單相/三相電力轉換器, 第二屆台灣電力電子研討會, pp. 28-33.
  31. 華志強,蘇丁財,李智順, 2003, 高性能單相功因修正器之研究與設計, 2003年自動控制研討會(論文專輯), pp. 179-184.
  32. 江錫津、蘇丁財、華志強, 2003, 數位式高功因單相/三相SVPWM電力轉換器之研製, 第24屆電力工程研討會, pp. 729-733.
  33. 華志強,許銘圳,吳俊緯, 2002, 數位式高性能切換式整流器器之研製, 2002年電力電子研討會(論文專輯).
  34. 華志強,李智順,蘇丁財, 2002, 數位式單相主動電力濾波器之研製, 2002年電力電子研討會(論文專輯).
  35. Chihchiang Hua, Kuo-An Liao and Jong-Rong Lin, 2002, Parallel Operation of Inverters for Distributed Photovoltaic Power Supply System, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC’02), pp. 1979-1983.
  36. Chihchiang Hua and Jong-Rong Lin, 2002, Direct Power Control for Distributed PV Power System, Power Conversion Conference (PCC’2002).
  37. 華志強,廖國安, 2001, 太陽能發電系統之變流器並聯運轉, 90年節約能源論文發表會(論文專輯), pp. 218-231.
  38. 華志強,葉朝陽, 2001, 電子式安定器應用於照明設備之實務概論, 90年節約能源論文發表會(論文專輯), pp. 101-106.
  39. 華志強,陳文祺,蔡俊偉, 2001, 模糊控制鉛酸蓄電池充電器, 第一屆全國校院工程技術類產學合作暨技術移轉成果發表會, pp. 電機4-1~4.
  40. Chihchiang Hua,Kuo-An Liao, 2001, Parallel Operation Control of Inverters for Photovoltaic Uninterruptible Power Supply Systems, Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering.
  41. Chihchiang Hua and Shih-Chung Huang, 2001, Design and Implementation of Digital Control Inverter for AC-Grid Connected Operation, Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering.
  42. Chihchiang Hua and Shih-Chung Huang, 2001, Design of Digital Control Inverter for AC-Grid Connection, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS’01).
  43. Chihchiang Hua and Chien-Hsing Li, 2001, Implementation of Space-Vector Pulse-Width- Modulated Inverter for Three-Phase Induction Motors, IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems (PEDS’01).
  44. Chihchiang Hua and Jong-Rong Lin, 2001, Fully Digital Control of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’2001), Yunlin(National Yunlin Univ), pp. 1-6.
  45. 黃世中,華志強, 2001, 數位式控制變流器設計與市電並聯運轉之研究, 第十六屆全國技職教育研討會(工業類:電機組), pp. 317-326.
  46. 華志強,林孟郁, 2000, 電動車電池充電儲能監視系統, 第十五屆全國技職教育研討會(工業類).
  47. 華志強, 蕭朝仁, 2000, 分散式太陽能發電系統之設計與研製, 第15屆全國技職教育研討會(工業類).
  48. Chihchiang Hua and Meng-Yu Lin, 2000, A Study of Charging Control of Lead-Acid Battery for Electric Vehicles, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’2000), pp. 135-140.
  49. Chihchiang Hua and Chao-Ren Hsiao, 2000, Implementation of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Supply Systems, IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE’2000), 2000/12/04-08, pp. 163-168.
  50. Chihchiang Hua and Shih-Chung Huang, 2000, A Study of Single-Phase UPS with Power Factor Corrector and Current Mode Control Inverter, Proceeding of the 21th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 838-842.
  51. Chihchiang Hua and Meng-Yu Lin, 2000, Study of Fast Charging Characteristics of Battery for Electric Vehicle and Implementation of Charging Monitoring System, Proceeding of the 21th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 827-832.
  52. Chihchiang Hua and Kuo-An Liao, 2000, Design and Implementation of Three-Phase Inverter with Parallel Operation, Proceeding of the 21th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 843-847.
  53. Chihchiang Hua and Chao-Young Yea, 2000, Design and Implementation of the Single-Stage High-Power-Factor Electronic Ballast for Multiple Lamps, Proceeding of the 21th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 833-837.
  54. Chihchiang Hua and Chao-Ren Hsiao, 2000, Dseign and Implementation of A Digital Photovoltaic Power Supply System with Parallel Operation, Proceeding of the 21th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 821-826.
  55. 華志強,林朝昌, 1999, 太陽能發電系統換流器製作與模組並聯控制之探討, 88年節約能源論文發表會(論文專輯), pp. 387-399.
  56. Chihchiang Hua, 1999, Solar Energy System Development and Applications, Workshop on the Technology Development and Utilization of Renewable Energy (APEC), pp. 6-1~6-43.
  57. Chihchiang Hua and Jauh-Shyong Chen, 1999, Investigation of the Single Stage Integrated High Power Factor Electronic Ballast with Dimming Characteristics, Proceeding of the 20th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 274-278.
  58. Chihchiang Hua and Chien-Hsing Li, 1999, Implementation of Space Vector Pulse Width Modulation Inverter for Three Phase Induction Motors, Proceeding of the 20th Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 436-440.
  59. Chihchiang Hua and Mingchang Wu, 1998, EMI Suppression and Influence about Power Factor Correction Circuit in UPS Systems, Proceeding of the Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 1130-1134.
  60. Chihchiang Hua and Chien-Hsing Li, 1998, Implementation of IGBT Protection Circuit, Proceeding of the Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 87-92.
  61. Chihchiang Hua, 1998, Investigation of the Integrated High Power Factor Electronic Ballast with Dimming Characteristics, Proceeding of the Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 1062-1067.
  62. Chihchiang Hua and Chihming Shen, 1998, Study of Maximum Power Tracking Techniques and Control of DC/DC Converters for Photovoltaic Power System, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC’98), 1998/05/17-22, Fukuoka, pp. 86-93.
  63. Chihchiang Hua, Chihming Shen and Chaochang Lin, 1998, Control of Photovoltaic Power Converters with Maximum Power Tracking, Automatic Control Conference, pp. 654-659.
  64. Chihchiang Hua and Chihming Shen, 1998, Comparative Study of Peak Power Tracking Techniques for Solar Storage System, IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC’98), Yunlin(National Yunlin Univ), pp. 679-685.
  65. 華志強,沈志明,彭建勳,吳明璋, 1997, 交流電源供應器的電磁干擾抑制之研究, 第十二屆全國技職教育研討會(工業類), pp. 315-322.
  66. 華志強,沈志明, 1997, 最大功率追蹤太陽能系統之研製, 86年節約能源論文發表會(論文專輯), pp. 397-406.
  67. Chihchiang Hua, Chihming Shen and Jong-Rong Lin, 1997, Design and Implementation of DC/DC converters for Solar Energy System with Maximum Power Tracking, The 12th Technological and Vocational Conference of ROC, pp. 323-330.
  68. Chihchiang Hua, Chih-Ming Shen, Chao-Chang Lin and Cheng-Shiung Chang, 1997, Comparison of Maximum Power Tracking Techniques for Solar Energy System, Proceeding of the Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 26-31.
  69. Chihchiang Hua and Chihming Shen, 1997, Control of DC/DC Converters for Solar Energy System with Maximum Power Tracking, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’97), Yunlin(National Yunlin Univ), pp. 827-832.
  70. Chihchiang Hua, Jong-Rong Lin and Chihming Shen, 1996, Characteristic Simulation of Solar Cells and Implementation of Small Storage System, Proceeding of the Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp.667-671.
  71. Chihchiang Hua and Jong-Rong Lin, 1996, DSP-Based Controller Application in Battery Storage of Photovoltaic System, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’’96), Yunlin(National Yunlin Univ), pp. 1705-1710.
  72. Chihchiang Hua and Jong-Rong Lin, 1996, Design and Implementation of Storage System for Photovoltaic Cells, The 11th Technological and Vocational Conference of ROC, pp. 185-190.
  73. Chihchiang Hua and Gengshing Peng, 1996, Design of EMI Filters for UPS Applications, Proceeding of the Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 661-666.
  74. Chihchiang Hua and Gengshing Peng, 1996, Design of an Input Filter to Suppress Conductive EMI of a Single Phase UPS Inverter, Annual International Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON’96), Yunlin(National Yunlin Univ), pp. 1699-1704.
  75. Gengshing Peng and Chihchiang Hua, 1995, Design of Power Filter for Switching Power Supplies, Proceeding of the Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 278-283.
  76. Chihchiang Hua, 1994, Digital Control of MCT Inverter with Two-Level Pulse Pattern, Proceeding of the Symposium on Electrical Power Engineering, pp. 100-107.
  77. Chihchiang Hua, 1994, Current-Source Compensated Deadbeat Controlled PWM Inverter Performance, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC’94) Rec., Touliu, pp. 1352-1358.
  78. Chihchiang Hua, 1993, High Switching Frequency DSP Controlled PWM Inverter, 2nd IEEE Conference on Control Applications (CCA’93), pp. 273-283.
  79. Chihchiang Hua and Richard G. Hoft, 1992, High Performance Deadbeat Controlled PWM Inverter Using a Current Source Compensator for Nonlinear Loads, IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC’92) Rec., pp. 443-450.
  1. 華志強, 2004, 高性能數位式太陽能最大功率追蹤(MPPT)之研究, 茂迪科技公司, 結案報告.
  2. 華志強, 2004, 車輛接地阻抗對EMI特性影響評估技術建立, 財團法人車輛研究測試中心, 結案報告.
  3. Chihchiang Hua, 2004, Design and Implementation of a Single-Phase Digital Active Power Filter (2/3), NSC 92-2213-E-224-006, Taiwan,Research Report.
  4. Chihchiang Hua, 2004, Design and Implementation of a Single-Phase Digital Active Power Filter (2/3), Taiwan,Research Report.
  5. Chihchiang Hua, 2003, Design and Implementation of a Single-Phase Digital Active Power Filter (1/3), NSC 91-2213-E-224-046, Taiwan,Research Report.
  6. Chihchiang Hua, 2002, Study of Battery Charging Station with Photovoltaic and Utility Power for Electric Motorcycles (III), NSC 90-2213-E-224-023, Taiwan,Research Report.
  7. Chihchiang Hua, 2002, Study and Implementation of Grid-Connected Solar Power System with Parallel Control (II), NSC 90-2621-Z-224-005, Taiwan,Research Report.
  8. Chihchiang Hua, 2002, Parallel Control of AC/DC Converters for UPS, Research Report, Allis Electric.
  9. Chihchiang Hua, 2001, Study of Battery Charging Station with Photovoltaic and Utility Power for Electric Motorcycles (II), NSC 89-2218-E-224-014, Taiwan,Research Report.
  10. Chihchiang Hua, 2001, Study and Implementation of Grid-Connected Solar Power System with Parallel Control (I), NSC 89-2621-Z-224-009, Taiwan,Research Report.
  11. Chihchiang Hua, 2001, Microprocessor-Based Fuzzy Control for Lead-Acid Battery Charger, Research Report, Allis Electric.
  12. Chihchiang Hua, 2000, Study of Battery Charging Station with Photovoltaic and Utility Power for Electric Motorcycles (I), NSC 89-2213-E-224-040, Taiwan,Research Report.
  13. Chihchiang Hua, 2000, Implementation of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Supply System (II), NSC 89-TPC-7-224-052, Taiwan,Research Report.
  14. Chihchiang Hua, 1999, Implementation of Photovoltaic Power System with Parallel Power Conversion Technique, NSC 88-2212-E-224-008, Taiwan,Research Report.
  15. Chihchiang Hua, 1999, Implementation of Distributed Photovoltaic Power Supply System (I), NSC 88-TPC-E-224-006, Taiwan,Research Report.
  16. Chihchiang Hua, 1998, Study of EMI Suppression Strategy for UPS with High Power Factor and Modular Design (II), NSC 87-2213-E-224-033, Taiwan,Research Report.
  17. Chihchiang Hua, 1998, Design and Implementation of Photovoltaic Power System with High Efficiency and Low Cost, Research Report, Taiwan Power, NSC 87-TPC-E-224-002.
  18. Chihchiang Hua, 1997, Study of EMI Suppression Strategy for UPS with High Power Factor and Modular Design (I), NSC 86-2213-E-224-026, Taiwan,Research Report.
  19. Chihchiang Hua, 1997, Photovoltaic System-Characteristics of Solar Cells and Control of Battery Charger (II), NSC 86-2213-E-224-014, Taiwan,Research Report.
  20. Chihchiang Hua, 1997, Implementation of Digital-Controlled UPS, NSC 85-2815-C-224-003E, Taiwan,Research Report.
  21. Chihchiang Hua, 1996, Photovoltaic System-Characteristics of Solar Cells and Control of Battery Charger (I), NSC 85-2213-E-224-024, Taiwan,Research Report.
  22. Chihchiang Hua, 1996, Implementation of DSP-Controlled Battery Storage System, NSC 85-2815-C-224-01-015E, Taiwan,Research Report.
  23. Chihchiang Hua, 1995, Study of EMI Suppression for Intelligent UPS, NSC 84-2213-E-224-012, Taiwan,Research Report.
  24. Chihchiang Hua, 1995, Study of EMI Suppression for Intelligent UPS, NSC 83-0404-E-224-012, Taiwan,Research Report.
  25. Chihchiang Hua, 1994, Adaptive Deadbeat Controlled UPS Inverter, NSC 82-0113-E-224-018, Taiwan,Research Report.
  1. 華志強, 2003, 鉛酸電池快速充電器及監控系統之設計, 九十二年度電子工業人才培訓計畫, 財團法人自強工業科學基金會.
  2. 華志強, 1994, 數位式不斷電系統設計, 經濟部工業局電力電子人才培訓, 工研院能資所.
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