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搜尋條件:著作類別->全部著作 | 學院->College of Management | 系所->Department of Accounting | 教師姓名->Pan Chao-Jung


  1. Ching-Lung Chen, Chao-Jung Pan, Shih-Ming Huang, and Chung-Min Ho, 2024, Insider Share Pledging, Legislative Change, and Corporate Cash Holdings ─Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Market, Review of Securities and Futures Markets, Vol.36, No.2, pp.99-158. (TSSCI)
  2. Ching-Lung Chen and Chao-JungPan, 2024, Does Use Purpose and Hedging Effectiveness Matter for the Earnings Informativeness of Financial Derivatives?, Journal of Management & Systems, Vol.31, No.2, pp.193-236. (TSSCI)
  3. Ching-Lung Chen, Chao-Jung Pan, and Hung-Shu Fan, 2023, Family-controlled Firms, Directors' & Officers' Insurance Coverage, and the Use of Derivatives, Review of Accounting and Auditing Studies, Vol.13, No.1, pp.83-122. (TSSCI)
  4. 黃瓊瑤, 潘昭容, 孔祥慧, 買馨誼, 2023, ESG永續性報導準則與實務專題─SASB準則, 月旦會計實務研究, Vol.64, pp.86-97. (其他)
  5. 潘昭容, 黃瓊瑤, 孔祥慧, 買馨誼, 2023, ESG永續性報導準則與實務專題—GRI通用準則改版(三), 月旦會計實務研究, No.61, pp.66-77. (其他)
  6. 潘昭容, 黃瓊瑤, 孔祥慧, 買馨誼, 2022, ESG永續性報導準則與實務專題—GRI通用準則改版(二), 月旦會計實務研究, No.59, pp.66-82. (其他)
  7. 潘昭容, 黃瓊瑤, 孔祥慧, 買馨誼, 2022, ESG永續性報導準則與實務專題—GRI通用準則改版(一), 月旦會計實務研究, No.56, pp.73-87. (其他)
  8. Chan-Jane Lin, Tawei Wang, Chao-Jung Pan, 2016, Financial Reporting Quality and Investment Decisions for Family Firms, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol.33, Issue 2, pp.499-532. (SSCI)
  9. 林嬋娟, 潘昭容, 王大維, 2015, 從家族企業論析自由現金流量與投資決策之關聯性, 臺大管理論叢, Vol.26, No.1, pp.95-124. (TSSCI)
  10. 潘昭容, 張錦特, 2008, 可控制前置時間與資源限制下單一商品與多個供應商存貨模型, 臺大管理論叢, Vol.18, No.2, pp.229-258. (TSSCI)
  1. 潘昭容, 楊凱淳, 2022, 審計委員會產業知識 與分類變動之關聯性, 2022年穩懋當代會計碩士論文獎研討會, 2022/12/17, 當代會計, 台北.
  2. C. J. Pan, 2021, The Consequence of Establishing the Compensation Committee Under an Imperfect Institution, European Accounting Association Annual Meeting, 2021/05/26-28, European Accounting Association, Bucharest.
  3. C. J. Lin and C. J. Pan, 2018, Which Firms Can Benefit More from The Compensation Committee Mandate?, The 2018 APMAA Conference, 2018/10/29-2018/11/01, Tohoku University, Tokyo.
  4. Lin, C. J. and C. J. Pan., 2015, The Effect of Firm-Specific Characteristics on the Benefit from the Compensation Committee Mandate, 2015 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, 2015/12/03-04, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan.
  5. Lin, C. J. and C. J. Pan., 2014, Does the Compensation Committee Mandate Enhance the Executive Compensation Practice in Taiwan?, 2014 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, 2014/10/27-28, National Taipei University, Taipei.
  6. Lin, C. J., T. Wang, and C. J. Pan., 2012, The association between financial reporting quality and investment decisions for family firms in an emerging market, 2012 European Accounting Review Special Issue Conference, 2012/06/15-16, European Accounting Association, Milan.
  7. Lin, C. J., T. Wang, and C. J. Pan., 2011, The association between financial reporting quality and investment decisions: The effect of ownership concentration, 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting, 2011/08/06-10, The American Accounting Association, Denver.
  8. Lin, C. J., T. Wang, and C. J. Pan, 2011, The association between financial reporting quality and investment decisions: The effect of ownership concentration, 2011 Annual Conference of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, 2011/05/26-29, The Canadian Academic Accounting Association, Toronto.
  9. 林嬋娟, 潘昭容, 王大維, 2010, 從家族企業論析自由現金流量與投資決策之關聯性, 2010年會計理論與實務研討會, 2010/12/09-10, 淡江大學, 新北市.
  10. 林嬋娟, 潘昭容, 王大維, 2010, 自由現金流量、投資決策與財務資訊品質, 2010 海峽兩岸會計學術研討會, 2010/06/07-09, 政治大學, 新北市.
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