潘昭容老師的論文著述 一、學術期刊論文 - Ching-Lung Chen, Chao-Jung Pan, Shih-Ming Huang, and Chung-Min Ho, 2024, Insider Share Pledging, Legislative Change, and Corporate Cash Holdings ─Evidence from the Taiwan Stock Market, Review of Securities and Futures Markets, Vol.36, No.2, pp.99-158. (TSSCI)
- Ching-Lung Chen and Chao-JungPan, 2024, Does Use Purpose and Hedging Effectiveness Matter for the Earnings Informativeness of Financial Derivatives?, Journal of Management & Systems, Vol.31, No.2, pp.193-236. (TSSCI)
- Ching-Lung Chen, Chao-Jung Pan, and Hung-Shu Fan, 2023, Family-controlled Firms, Directors' & Officers' Insurance Coverage, and the Use of Derivatives, Review of Accounting and Auditing Studies, Vol.13, No.1, pp.83-122. (TSSCI)
- 黃瓊瑤, 潘昭容, 孔祥慧, 買馨誼, 2023, ESG永續性報導準則與實務專題─SASB準則, 月旦會計實務研究, Vol.64, pp.86-97. (其他)
- 潘昭容, 黃瓊瑤, 孔祥慧, 買馨誼, 2023, ESG永續性報導準則與實務專題—GRI通用準則改版(三), 月旦會計實務研究, No.61, pp.66-77. (其他)
- 潘昭容, 黃瓊瑤, 孔祥慧, 買馨誼, 2022, ESG永續性報導準則與實務專題—GRI通用準則改版(二), 月旦會計實務研究, No.59, pp.66-82. (其他)
- 潘昭容, 黃瓊瑤, 孔祥慧, 買馨誼, 2022, ESG永續性報導準則與實務專題—GRI通用準則改版(一), 月旦會計實務研究, No.56, pp.73-87. (其他)
- Chan-Jane Lin, Tawei Wang, Chao-Jung Pan, 2016, Financial Reporting Quality and Investment Decisions for Family Firms, Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol.33, Issue 2, pp.499-532. (SSCI)
- 林嬋娟, 潘昭容, 王大維, 2015, 從家族企業論析自由現金流量與投資決策之關聯性, 臺大管理論叢, Vol.26, No.1, pp.95-124. (TSSCI)
- 潘昭容, 張錦特, 2008, 可控制前置時間與資源限制下單一商品與多個供應商存貨模型, 臺大管理論叢, Vol.18, No.2, pp.229-258. (TSSCI)
二、研討會論文- 潘昭容, 楊凱淳, 2022, 審計委員會產業知識 與分類變動之關聯性, 2022年穩懋當代會計碩士論文獎研討會, 2022/12/17, 當代會計, 台北.
- C. J. Pan, 2021, The Consequence of Establishing the Compensation Committee Under an Imperfect Institution, European Accounting Association Annual Meeting, 2021/05/26-28, European Accounting Association, Bucharest.
- C. J. Lin and C. J. Pan, 2018, Which Firms Can Benefit More from The Compensation Committee Mandate?, The 2018 APMAA Conference, 2018/10/29-2018/11/01, Tohoku University, Tokyo.
- Lin, C. J. and C. J. Pan., 2015, The Effect of Firm-Specific Characteristics on the Benefit from the Compensation Committee Mandate, 2015 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, 2015/12/03-04, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan.
- Lin, C. J. and C. J. Pan., 2014, Does the Compensation Committee Mandate Enhance the Executive Compensation Practice in Taiwan?, 2014 Accounting Theory and Practice Conference, 2014/10/27-28, National Taipei University, Taipei.
- Lin, C. J., T. Wang, and C. J. Pan., 2012, The association between financial reporting quality and investment decisions for family firms in an emerging market, 2012 European Accounting Review Special Issue Conference, 2012/06/15-16, European Accounting Association, Milan.
- Lin, C. J., T. Wang, and C. J. Pan., 2011, The association between financial reporting quality and investment decisions: The effect of ownership concentration, 2011 Annual Meeting of the American Accounting, 2011/08/06-10, The American Accounting Association, Denver.
- Lin, C. J., T. Wang, and C. J. Pan, 2011, The association between financial reporting quality and investment decisions: The effect of ownership concentration, 2011 Annual Conference of the Canadian Academic Accounting Association, 2011/05/26-29, The Canadian Academic Accounting Association, Toronto.
- 林嬋娟, 潘昭容, 王大維, 2010, 從家族企業論析自由現金流量與投資決策之關聯性, 2010年會計理論與實務研討會, 2010/12/09-10, 淡江大學, 新北市.
- 林嬋娟, 潘昭容, 王大維, 2010, 自由現金流量、投資決策與財務資訊品質, 2010 海峽兩岸會計學術研討會, 2010/06/07-09, 政治大學, 新北市.