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搜尋條件:著作類別->全部著作 | 學院->College of Management | 系所->Department of Industrial Engineering and Management | 教師姓名->Wang, Yi-Hua


  1. Yi-Hua Tina Wang, Shu-Han Zhan, 2024, Monitoring autocorrelated multivariate multiple linear profiles, Quality and Reliability Engineering International, Vol.40, pp.619-643. (SCIE)(MOST109-2118-M-224-001-MY2)
  2. Yi-Hua Tina Wang , Yunru Lai, 2019, Monitoring of autocorrelated general linear profiles., Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, Vol.89, No.3, pp.519-535. (SCI)
  3. Yi-Hua Tina Wang, Wan-Hsuan Huang, 2017, Phase II Monitoring and Diagnosis of Autocorrelated Simple Linear Profiles, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol.112, No.4, pp.57-70. (SCI)
  1. 王藝華, 詹舒涵, 2022, Phase II monitoring schemes of first-order autocorrelated multivariate multiple linear profiles, 第三十一屆南區統計研討會暨 2022 中華機率統計學會年會及學術研討會, 2022/07/28-29, 逢甲大學, 台中市,逢甲大學.
  2. Yi-Hua Tina Wang and Yunru Lai, 2018, On the monitoring of Autocorrelated General Linear Profiles., 2018 IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting, 2018/06/26-29, IMS, 新加坡.
  3. Yi-Hua Wang, and Yunru Lai, 2017, Phase II Monitoring of First-Order Autocorrelated General Linear Profiles., The 11th Annual International Conference on Statistics: Teaching, Theory & Applications., 2017/06/26-29, Mathematics & Statistics Research Unit, 雅典.
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